When it comes to the tarot, most people freak out if the Death card is in their tarot spread.  In reality, the card that you really need to brace yourself for is the Tower card.

Let’s be honest, it’s not the nicest looking of cards, is it? A tower on fire, being struck by lightening with a couple of people falling to their deaths!

Doesn’t exactly make the heart feel light and happy, like say, the four of wands.

In a nutshell, the Tower card is letting you know that shit is going down in a big way!

And hell, yeah, that can be pretty scary!

In two words the Tower card is chaos and destruction.

It’s about going through some life changing event that is unavoidable.

Yes, while that event is happening you’ll be wondering how the hell you’re going to survive, but when you come out the other side and things start to calm down, you’ll realise that while difficult to go through and not something that you’d wish on anyone, you’ve grown from it.  You have survived it, and not only this but it’s made you into the amazing person that you are.

Don’t think that this card is 100% negative because with the tarot there’s always a ‘flip’ side as I call it.

It’s not all doom, gloom and destruction.

Let’s look at the positives.

Usually with the Tower the destruction comes about because it was built on something false, such as unrealistic expectations or goals.

And like any storm, it doesn’t last forever so another way to keep positive is that after that storm has passed, you’ll go through a period of renewal and creation.

Another thing to remember is that the Tower doesn’t have to be catastrophic change, if you’re doing a card spread and the cards that are around it are all positive, it can be as simple as an unexpected change happening in your life.  While it may be a bit scary because of the unknown, and it can be life changing, it doesn’t have to represent negativity – think getting a job overseas.

If the Tower appears in a past position in a tarot spread, it’s obviously telling you that you’ve been through some huge upheavals in your life.

If it appears in the future position, it can be a warning.  Stop that destructive behaviour / habits without a thought to the future.  Stop thinking that ‘it can’t happen to me’ kind of thing.

The Tower can also be a warning of a natural disaster such as bush fires.

One of the main things to remember if this card comes up for you, is that you’ll get through it, you’ll end up stronger for it.  You’ll also be given the chance to start anew in a way that is more fitting with who you are.

It’s about learning to go with the flow.  When you try and fight the changes that must happen, all you’re doing is creating more stress and pain for yourself.

Remember the phoenix rises from the ashes.

What are your thoughts on the Tower card?

Oh, and stay posted for the launch of my new Advanced Tarot eCourse and Mentoring Program this week!

And if you have no or limited knowledge of Tarot, then head on over to my website for my >> Beginners Tarot Course <<

Love & Light

Katrina x

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