A few weeks ago I talked about setting intentions by the phases of the moon.  If you missed that, then you can click >>HERE

So, why should I do a moon ritual?

A moon ritual is designed to align you and your energies with that of the Moon. It also helps you set your intentions and manifestations by using the moon’s illuminating power.

In all honesty, there are lots of different ways you can perform a ritual, however the key is to do something that aligns with you.  If you feel uncomfortable or like a complete idiot doing the ritual, then that particular one is not for you!

You need to find a ritual that you feel comfortable with that brings you energy and uplifts you.

To begin with, it’s always good to have a pad and pencil handy – so you can journal.  Also a candle, a small bowl of water and most importantly, wear something comfortable and have space around you to move in.


Just as a reminder …

New Moon – Reset and Set Intentions

Waxing Crescent – Nurture Yourself and Your New Ideas

First Quarter – Create Action

Waxing Gibbous – Root Into Your Plans and Refine Where Needed

Full Moon – Illuminate and Manifest

Waning Gibbous – Express Gratitude and Reap the Benefits of Your Work

Last Quarter – Release Energy and Let Go of Stagnancy

Waning Crescent – Celebration Completion and Cultivate Rest

My recommendation is to practice moon rituals with all the moon phases following the outline here.


A New Moon Ritual

The best thing about the new moon is that it’s a blank page.  Where you can start afresh, you’re guided to look within yourself and you need to be honest about what you really want to call into your life but also, most importantly, what you need to let go of.  A time of recharging, resting and reflection.  Sounds good to me!

How to Begin:

  1. Set the environment – With any spiritual ritual you may do, you need to make sure that you have a clean and organised space to work in. Declutter, clean the energy by burning some sage, or an essential oil, play some calming music that you enjoy and light a candle.
  2. Conjure a connection to the Divine – Whether through meditation or something else that you feel comfortable with, set up a connection with your guides, angels, or any other divine connection.
  3. Sit comfortably and write – This is the time to grab that notebook and start writing down the things in your life you either wish to call in or are ready to release. Remember that this doesn’t have to be physical things, it can be feelings, thought habits, fears – anything that you feel isn’t serving you. Then you also need to think about what you want to call into your life. This could be a job opportunity, a relationship, more financial abundance, an adventure—you name it.
  4. Declare – Speaking / reading out loud those things that you want to bring into your life is the next step. It’s important to speak them all out loud, the reason for this is it creates more emotion and that’s essential to manifesting them.
  5. Meditate and complete – You’ve done the ‘hard’ work and made space in your life for those things that you truly desire. So, just sit quietly and focus on your breath. While you do that, visualise your desires actually happening, coming to be.  Then you set the intention that you are willing to allow and that you’re open to these things / experiences coming into your life.


A Full Moon Ritual

The full moon is when you sit back and take account of your life and what hasn’t come to be as yet. Remember, some things may take a little while, it’s not always instant!

This ritual is when you become quiet, you reflect, and celebrate. The full moon represents fruitfulness and completeness and brings with it a lot of energy.

  1. Be calm – You need to bring calmness into your space so you can grab that energy that you need, so take a few breaths, cleanse your space with sage and just relax.
  2. Write it out – Grab your pen and that notebook and take a moment to reflect on the past few weeks. What has happened/come about? Where did you have success? What are you bumping your head up against? Can you see where opportunities for growth and expansion are?
  3. Release and Declare – You’ve now worked out what’s come to be and what hasn’t so now you need to write down and release those things that are getting in the way of your desires happening. I like to burn them in a fire-safe vessel.
  4. Take a moon bath – It might sound a bit weird, but if you’re able to get outside and let the moonlight touch your skin, you will be absorbing that wonderful moon energy. It’s said to help reduce inflammation and known support our menstrual cycles.
  5. Dance it out – Best time, now it’s getting down and doing some daggy dancing! Pick a song you love and start dancing, moving any stagnant energy out of your body so that you can bring in more joy.


Make A Commitment To Moon Magic

If you can, and it’s a good thing if you do, commit to at least three months of moon rituals to see what comes up for you.  Keep a running journal of all that has been brought into your life and all that you’ve let go of.


Katrina x


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