We all have a past.

There’s a backstory to everyone that you meet and a lot of those stories you will never hear about.

Far too many of us let what has happened in our past be our story of today.

You are NOT what happened to you, you are in fact who you choose to become.

One of the hardest things to overcome from the past is when you have been verbally run down and belittled.

I’m a firm believer that if you tell someone something often enough, then they’ll believe it.

If as a child you were labelled as ‘stupid’, more often than not you’ll end up believing it.

Is that a true statement, though?

Regardless of your experience I want you to sit down and reflect and actually question what has been ingrained into you.

I had to do this with my own upbringing.

You see, I was brought up in a strict Seventh-Day Adventist home.

Believe me, I was the good girl who never swore (what the fuck happened???). Hahahaha

I confess, that it was a real process to remove that indoctrination and then learn and make up my own mind about what I believe.

If you want to read my award winning biography Christian to Clairvoyant, just click >>HERE.

What is one thing that you believe to be true about what someone has said about you?

As an example I’m going to go with the ‘You’re stupid’ one as it’s very common.

Firstly, ask yourself if what you were told is true.

I mean are you REALLY stupid?

Because I can guarantee that you aren’t.

Some of the comments may have been along the lines of ‘your brother is so much better at math than you’ or ‘you’re no good at science’ – which may actually be true.

But just because you’re not good at math and science (and my hand is up for this one!) doesn’t mean that you’re stupid.

You’re not good at math and science, but this means that you will more than likely be good at something else.

Our brains are just wired differently.

I was a dunce when it came to math and science.

Really, really bad at it.

However, I’m really good with handling money – as in budgeting and saving …… I wouldn’t know where to start with algebra!

I  just couldn’t get my head around it – but I topped the glass in geometry because I loved the shapes ……

So, what that means is I’m a dunce at the difficult math but really good at the practical math like budgeting and commerce – and obviously have an artistic eye because I was also good at geometry …….

So, am I stupid?  No.

Even though I’m useless at algebra …. I’m a multi-award winning author!  I excelled at English and public speaking when at school.

Is what you were told is actually true?

Because you see, society looks at those who are good at math and science as being smart – but that doesn’t mean that you’re not.

It just means that your talents lie in different areas, public speaking, writing, dancing, artist etc.

And while dancing may not involve math and science, it takes a good brain to remember all those moves to put the dedication required into learning those moves and sorry folks, I think that is amazing!

The same goes for mistakes that we may have made.

Believe me I can look back at some things I have said and cringe, but I’ve learnt.

And that’s the key.

Learning and growing.

If something negative happened in your past, use that experience to learn.

Don’t dwell on it but take away what you have learnt.

How has it changed you, has it made you stronger? (that’s a good thing)

Has it made you be more flexible?

Has it made you learn to be so trusting straight away?

You learn and then move forward, that’s so important, some things in life don’t work out the way we would have liked and we all go through experiences that we wish we didn’t have to, but the future is yours.

You own your future don’t let others define it because of something in your past.