If you’re anything like me, you’re kind of fascinated with astrology.

Also, if you’re like me, you may find it all rather confusing with all the weird names for things and what the hell they’re supposed to mean – you know like Primal Triad and Nodes.

Therefore, I’m going to share with you 5 things that you need to know when you’re first becoming interested in astrology: a beginners guide so to speak!


  1. The Primal Triad

Primal Triad – There are three main influential things in your astrological birth chart and that’s where exactly your sun, moon and rising signs are because where these fellas are placed tells a lot about a person.  However, to know exactly where they are placed, you need to know the exact time and location of your birth.

Sun Sign – This is what you would refer to as your ego and goes to the heart of who you really are.  Your sun guides what you do, what kind of career you take and how you interact with others.  Your sun sign is the core of who you are, your personality.

Moon Sign – Your moon sign will affect how you act on the romantic front and it is the way you describe of your inner emotional self.  Your moon sign is the part of you that reflects your physical, social and emotional needs.

Rising Sign – this is referred to as your Ascendant and this is the face that you show to the outside world and also the way that others perceive you. This can be the mask that you put on when you’re dealing with others, in other words it can be the way that the we want the world to view us.


  1. North Node

You know when you wonder what your purpose is? Or maybe why you’ve re-incarnated again? What is it that your soul needs to learn? That’s your North Node!  It tells you what you need to do to push yourself out of your comfort zone, so that you can learn what you need to. By the way, your comfort zone is your South Node.   If you stay in your comfort zone, that’s to the detriment of your soul, and this is one thing that can lead to something like depression, because your suppressing what it is you’re supposed to be learning / doing.  However, if you line yourself up with that North Node of yours, you may see your life taking an extraordinary change and becoming exciting and fulfilling.


  1. Houses

There are twelve houses in the zodiac (obviously, one for each month of the year!)  Depending on what time and date you were born, will depend on where each of the signs are located in which house.

1st house – Your persona

2nd house – Finances

3rd house – Network

4th house – Home

5th house – Creativity

6th house – Health

7th house – Partner

8th house – Business

9th house – Spiritual life

10th house – Career

11th house – Your Community

12th house – Soul’s growth

Each of these houses together when you do your birth chart will show you your innermost thoughts and your behaviours.


  1. Zodiac Sign

Knowing the basics of the 12 zodiac signs will help you understand how they affect you in the placement of your birth chart. It can also help you to understand other people’s personalities as well. So, a very basic overview of the zodiac signs is:

Aquarius – they’re a big picture type of person

Pisces – they’re the artistic type

Aries – quick at moving and thinking

Taurus – is a slow mover and thinker

Gemini – can’t make their mind up and are very curious

Cancer – They’re the nurturing and sensitive kind of person

Leo – Extravagant and love being the center of attention

Virgo – Is the organized one and is always so very helpful

Libra – Is quite intuitive and is also very easy going

Scorpio – Is the deep and meaning and also erotic

Sagittarius – Is adventurous and evolved

Capricorn – has a good business sense and is also loyal.


  1. Moon Cycles

As we know the moon is a cycle of a month, and every two weeks we will either experience a full moon or a new moon.

A new moon is when you feel like closing off from the world and you may also find that you become a lot more tired than usual. A new moon is one you can’t see and it’s where your creativity is at it’s highest.  During the full moon is when things start moving forward and the two days either side is when you see a lot of change in people, in addition to opportunities coming along such as things showing up out of the blue or your hard work being acknowledged.

As you can see just from this overview, Astrology is actually a complex thing to learn.  No I haven’t learnt it nor am I a professional, but I am slowly getting my head around it!  It’s truly fascinating when you learn more about it and you can see how your personality is affected by the placement of signs, etc.

It’s a wonderful tool to not only learn about yourself better but also to learn about those close to you.

Love & light


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