If you’re new in your spiritual journey, you may be wondering what you can do that will spiritually enhance your life.

Maybe you’ve come to a bit of a slump in your spiritual journey and just wondering what else is out there.

There are lots of different things that you can do that will spiritually enhance your life and what I’m sharing with you today, is in no particular order!

There’s no ‘you MUST do this’ because we are each on our own spiritual journey and what it means to me, is more than likely going to be different to you, and there’s no wrong in that at all.

So, here we go ….

  1. Explore your spiritual core / have a belief – what I mean by this is that I feel it’s beneficial to have some kind of belief that you follow.  I don’t care if that’s Buddhism, Christianity or Wicca as examples, or maybe, like me, you’ve taken a few different things from different religions, cultures and belief systems and combined them to make a personal belief for yourself.  Why I feel this is a good idea, is that you need to know what you stand for, what resonates with you and when you know what you stand for, you know what you stand against, what you won’t allow, the path and direction that you want your life to head.  It’s also a measure that you can check yourself against to make sure you’re being true to those core spiritual beliefs.
  2. Accept your reality – this can be a difficult one for far too many of us. If you seriously hate your life, then that’s what you’re creating, hate and no-one wants to live there.  What I mean by accept your reality, is live in the moment.  It doesn’t mean that you are giving up at improving yourself and your life and just staying stuck in that mould.  It means that you accept what is.  When you accept what is, you know what you want to change, and then you can take the steps to change what you feel you need. It’s not the defeatist attitude of ‘my life sucks so I just have to accept it’.  It’s the realist attitude, ‘sure my life sucks, but it doesn’t have to stay that way’.  It’s not sitting there wishing things were different and doing nothing about it.
  3. Embrace the unknown – far too many of us humans fear change, we don’t try new things or take a chance because ‘what if it fails’ etc leads. But what if you just took that leap? Embracing the unknown actually will reduce your stress because you’re not going to be lying in bed at night playing a thousand different scenario’s over in your head about what ‘might’ happen.  What you’ll do is start thinking along the lines of ‘I have no control over the outcome, I’ll deal with whatever happens, when it happens’.  Kind of outlook on life. Believe me, it really does make for a more peaceful existence!
  4. Meditation / Yoga – either or both, it doesn’t really matter, some may love meditation and not enjoy yoga or you might embrace both! With both of these practices, it helps you get to understand the inner workings of yourself, not just physically but spiritually as well.  It expands your spiritual side to think and accept beyond what you may already know.  Best of all it reduces stress, which is good for your body and soul!
  5. Accept yourself – again, a bit like Accept your Reality, what I mean is stop beating yourself up! Treat yourself with respect, be kind to yourself.  Look after yourself, as they sometimes say, treat your body like a temple.  Be aware of what you’re putting into it, not just food and drink but also what you’re reading, what you’re watching, what you’re Googling all of those things will have an impact on your spiritual self.  Accept yourself and all your bits that may not be perfect in your eyes, that doesn’t mean that you’re not perfect, but when you accept yourself and love yourself, you’re opening yourself up to a whole new world, one without judgment, one where you don’t waste useless energy trying to be something that you’re not.  Accept what you’re good at and continue with that, if you’re not good at something, give it a go and then leave it, you don’t have to be good at everything!  Focus on your strengths and accept and acknowledge your weaknesses.

There’s 5 simple ways that you can spiritually enrich your life, none of them cost a lot of money, all it takes is effort and a change of attitude.

But you will see the difference in your life.

Love & Light
