Have you ever heard of soul retrieval and wondered what it was?

Lets start at the beginning, as I feel that it will be easier to explain loss when we work out how we may have lost it in the first place and what our soul actually is.

Our souls are that inner, essential part of us. I explain to people that when we die it’s our souls that go to the spirit realm.  We don’t look like the human we are today and we leave behind our humanness as well.

Our soul is our essence, all those little bits of us that make us who we are.

Someone who is connected with their soul, will usually stand out, they’re someone that’s comfortable in their own skin, and their way of thinking is calmer.  They don’t get caught up in all the dramas that are around them, they know and do, step away when they need to.

Our souls are free. However quite often our ego’s will trap them and hold them down. Because they are free, bits of our souls can leave, especially when we go through trauma or high levels of stress.

When this happens, we lose a part of our souls and that’s what soul retrieval is all about; finding those bits that you lost and bringing them back to you.

A lot of practitioners who work with soul retrieval also believe that if we don’t retrieve those elements of ourselves that it can then lead to physical illnesses.

Just remember that it’s never too late to find the parts of your soul that you need to.

Have you ever felt as though a part of you is missing? That sometimes you just feel that you’re not whole? I’m not talking about when you feel alone or wish you had your ‘other half’ in your life, but that sense of just not feeling whole.

What causes soul loss?

As mentioned above, going through trauma, whether that’s a relationship break-up, serious illness, anything that can cause you serious stress in your life, will all contribute to soul loss.

Know what a mid-life crisis is? Looking for the parts of your soul that you ‘lost’?  How many people do you hear that they just want to ‘find themselves’? What they don’t realise is that they’re looking for the bits of their souls that they’ve lost along the path of their life.

How do you get those bits back?

Soul retrieval starts when you are ready to transform your life, and by that I mean to heal those past traumatic events that we’ve gone through.

To retrieve your soul it is a practice that is usually performed by Shaman’s, rather than just anyone it’s something that you need experience in.

They will have their own method of finding your soul and retrieving it, as there are a number of different cultures that do soul retrieval and obviously, different ways!

Once the pieces of your soul have been found and brought back to you, they then reintegrate them and when this happens, what you should feel is some of the following:

  • You’ll feel grounded
  • You’ll be energised, awake, and feel more alive
  • You’ll notice that you seem to have greater influence in the world
  • You’ll become more aware of decisions, choices and behaviours
  • You’ll have an unexplainable surge of joy or feeling of lightness
  • You’ll notice better physical wellbeing and experience lesser sickness
  • You’ll sleep better
  • You’ll be more equipped to battle addictive tendencies
  • You’ll feel a sense of belongingness or wholeness
  • You’ll notice better mental clarity

Do be aware that quite often when you’ve experience soul retrieval that a lot of friendships will fall by the wayside as you will be seeing things in your life in a whole new light and prior to the soul retrieval, you will have acquired friends that are in the same space as you.  When your space changes, so will the people that you associate with.

Don’t be afraid for this to happen, it’s called growth and means that you are in a much better space than you were previously, and you have to be happy about that.

Love & light



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