While the Christmas season is sold to us as one that is full of laughter, love and goodwill, for many it’s a time of stress and high anxiety.

So, what are the main stresses at Christmas?

Family, money and time.

I mean we’re expected to spend time with family members who, normally, we wouldn’t associate with!  That’s got to raise the blood pressure.

Then we become money poor because we’re expected to purchase gifts for everyone and anyone.

Time!  How many of you are stressed to the max running around, doing things, trying to get everything organised?

So, how can you navigate this hellhole that has become Christmas?

Here’s some tips / ideas for you to get you through the season.

  1. Reduce your expectations – stop thinking that Christmas has to be ‘perfect’ like the TV shows you watch. Make sure that your kids are also aware that it’s not going to be perfect. Instead sit down and be honest with yourselves what Christmas actually means to you as a family (I’m talking immediate family here).  If what you’d all prefer is a quiet Christmas, then do that!  Create your Christmas the way that you want it to be, not what others are pushing on to you.
  2. Set Boundaries – I often talk about this one in my newsletters. It’s perfectly acceptable to say ‘no’ to people.  You also don’t have to give a reason why you’re saying no, if you don’t want to.  If you really don’t want to spend Christmas with the extended family, then just say so, set your boundaries and make sure that people respect them. It’s just as important that they respect your boundaries as it is to respect others boundaries.
  3. Do things differently – people fear change, but if you’ve dreaded the family Christmas for years, then change it! Change what you do, (see point 2) have a quiet Christmas by yourself if that’s what you want.  Go away on a holiday somewhere to get away from everyone.  Whatever it is you hate about the season, the only thing you can change is what you do and how you view things.
  4. Don’t get caught up in the moment – if you’re going to spend time with family and you know old Uncle Gary always gets pissed and then becomes obnoxious, think in advance how you’re going to deal with it. When he starts drinking to much do you just leave early? Do you walk away when he’s becoming obnoxious and go outside, get some fresh air and calm down, it’s totally up to you how you deal with things but be prepared.
  5. Create a budget – and I mean this, Christmas becomes this huge overspend and I’m now at the point in my life where I’d rather nothing that a gift I’m not going to use. Think of doing a Kris Kringle – pulling a name out of a hat and that’s the only person you’re buying a gift for and make sure that there’s a limit on that as well.  Speak to friends and family, many people are now preferring that instead of a gift you donate to a charitable cause instead.  Have a look at what homemade gifts you can give, do some cooking or if you’re good at crafts, create something that’s made with love.  But the main thing is DON’T OVER SPEND because you’re going to create a lot of stress for yourself in the new year as you try and work out how you’re going to pay that debt back.
  6. Downtime – Make sure that you take time out to just recharge your batteries, don’t constantly be on the go, you need to sit down and enjoy the moment. Get your breath, stop and have a coffee and read a book instead of running around sipping it.  Meditate, keep up all your usual spiritual practices because it’s important to do that.
  7. You have control – remember that what it all boils down to, is that you have control of your life, no one can force you to attend a family Christmas if you don’t want to. Learn to deal with the guilt trip that people may throw at you.  This is your life and you need to live it the way that you want to. Be honest with yourself and don’t put yourself at the mercy of others just to keep the peace.  You’re better off not attending at all and keeping the peace in your life that you’ve worked hard for.

I hope these tips help you in managing your stress levels this Christmas!

Love & light

Katrina x

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