I’m not sure about you, but I know that as I’ve grown more in my own spiritual path (and also I’d like to think that I’ve grown up) that I’m more inclined to want a more spiritual Christmas.  I’m completely over all the commercialism around it, the constant message that if you love your XYZ then you’ll buy them this great gift! Show them how much you love them at Christmas by purchasing this ….

Yeah, nah.  No longer for me.

So, how can you have a more spiritual Christmas.

For me, being spiritual is being authentic and also showing kindness.  Here’s some tips from me on how to make your Christmas more spiritual.

  1. Make gifts if you need to give them – don’t get caught up in commercialism.  You actually don’t need to spend lots of money on people to show them that you love them.  Taking the time to make a gift for someone, shows them that you love them.  Hand making some chocolates, shows that you’ve put effort into creating something just for them, rather than throwing a box in the supermarket trolley as you walk past them.
  2. Be kind – while it’s meant to be the time of year of goodwill, it’s more often not. Frayed tempers lead to people being rude to others.  So, be kind, speak nicely to the sales clerk, let that person with a few items through first at the checkout.
  3. Volunteer – see what organisations may need some help.  Whether that’s packing up goods to be given out to families or volunteering on Christmas day itself for the homeless.
  4. Clean out your wardrobe – be ruthless and donate good serviceable clothes and shoes to a homeless shelter or refuge. We have far too many clothes and probably wear a fraction of them.
  5. Get your children to donate – I used to do this every December with my son when he was little. He had to go through his toy box.  He had three piles, the pile of toys he wanted to keep, the ones that were broken and needed to be thrown out, and the one for the poor children: the toys that were still good but he didn’t play with anymore.  And you know what? He always had three piles, he didn’t try and keep everything. This will teach your children kindness as well.
  6. Have lonely people over for Christmas lunch – if you know neighbours or friends are going to be on their own, invite them over. Get them to bring a plate of food to share, sing Christmas carols together, share stories from childhood, laugh and enjoy each others company.
  7. Visit a nursing home – I’m not sure of the health regulations or legal aspects of this. I know in Australia you must have the flu vax to go into a nursing home and obviously, the residents need protecting. Speak with the manager at a local nursing home and say you’d like to pop in to a couple of people who don’t have family to say happy Christmas and bring them a little gift, even if some flowers from your garden. Ask what kind of gifts would be appropriate.

Now, have you noticed that all of the things mentioned don’t actually cost you a lot of money, if any money at all? That’s because a spiritual Christmas ISN’T about money.  It’s about your time, doing a kindness for others, spreading kindness and also taking the time to appreciate all that you’ve been blessed with.

Make sure that you take some time to continue to practice whatever spiritual things you like to do.  If you meditate, then do that.  Maybe you want to read yourself a little tarot spread?  Then do that. Do you want to just sit and have a coffee and connect with your spirit guides and angels?  Then go for it.  Also just take the time to remember those that are no longer with us, but are still around us.

Have a peaceful and love filled Christmas.

Love & light

Katrina x

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