We all have the best intentions when we set goals, don’t we?

You know, we want to get that new job, meet someone – that ever, elusive soul mate. 

Buy your dream home or maybe just spend more time being kind to yourself.

We decide what it is that we want to do and think, YEP! This year is going to be DIFFERENT!

And then it’s not.

We fall back into the same habits that we’ve always had and another year goes by and we think to ourselves, what happened?

Then the next year, we do the same thing all over again.

Albert Einstein has allegedly said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”.

Then, there are the people that really don’t even know what they should be doing in life.

They’re the ones that just kind of meander around, always wondering what their purpose is, not really happy with their lives but not sure where to start.

How your spirit guides can help.

Did you know that you can ask your spirit guides for some help when it comes to what to do in your life?

Just remember, that not everyone is destined to be famous or make a big difference in the world.

We will, however, all make a difference in YOUR world. And this is important to remember!

How do you ask your spirit guides for help?

While it’s easy to ask them, it’s not always easy to pick up the answers!

For an example, say you’re wondering what path you should be on. You want to know which career choice to take.  Just ask them for guidance into what career.

Then begin to be very alert to everything that’s going on around you.

Make sure you notice conversations and advertising – there could suddenly be a lot of talk around teachers, police officers or the environment etc.

Notice the themes that are happening within a couple of weeks of you asking your spirit guides.

Your answer will be in what’s happening around you, not necessarily in your face.

The same goes for your purpose (which isn’t always career). 

Start listening to conversations, themes, stories, advertising, what grabs your attention.

Your spirit guides won’t ever ask you to do something that you hate, because then you won’t do it!

Be prepared for answers that aren’t what you expect or that you’ve never thought about doing.

Be open to the guidance that you’re given and then, of course, it’s up to you whether or not you follow it!