I’m going to share a situation that happened to me this week.

I’m not looking for validation, let me say that straight off the bat.

This isn’t a ‘I’m right / they’re wrong’ scenario. 

I just needed to start off with that because I want to hear your point of view on the topic in general.

A bit of background about me.

In case you don’t already know, I was brought up in a very strict SDA (that’s Seventh-day Adventist) family. 

If you want to read about my journey from religious to becoming a clairvoyant in my award winning book Christian to Clairvoyant click >>HERE .

However, whilst I used to be a very good girl, I have since divorced and remarried.

My Gorgeous Guy has been a big influence on me, in that I now swear like a trooper!  Lol

The F bomb is very much a part of my vocabulary as is saying things like Oh my God!  Jesus Christ! ….

You get the picture.

Not everyone is going to like what you say.

I never intentionally say or do anything to create shock value, that’s just not me.

I can’t stand it on Facebook when people put up a post such as: ‘Oh, I’m so mad right now’ because they’re fishing for attention and trying to create drama in their lives.

I don’t do that and I don’t have time for people that do that.

What you see is what you get and I also appreciate the fact that not everyone is going to like what they get!

We’re never going to be able to please everyone, you’re not a jar of Nutella, as the saying goes. 

In business, we have our tribes / people / followers etc. and those people will use / follow those that they feel a connection with.

What’s my point?

I’m glad you asked.

Last week, I wrote and sent out my weekly newsletter.

In it was advice from an older woman (me) to a younger woman, wanting to help them not go through some of the angst that I did in life.

One of the points was “Stop comparing yourself” and I’ll be honest, I’m really, really frustrated with woman doing this!  So, my first comment was ‘Jesus Fucking Christ, just STOP it’

Saying / typing something like ‘I’m so frustrated’ or ‘Oh golly gosh I’m frustrated’ just really doesn’t verbalize the height of my frustration!

I received the following email: 

How disappointed i was to read the blasphemy in your latest advice ‘7 bits of wisdom….’.  What a shame as a writer you couldn’t articulate your thoughts in a less offensive manner.  As an ‘older’ woman, wife, mother and grandmother the advice I give is to be respectful to others in words and actions.

She also cancelled her subscription. 

I’m fine with that, I’m not doing an ‘oh woe is me’ thing here.

I get completely that some people will be offended by my wording. 

Did I do it to intentionally offend? No!  of course not!

However, I was unsure of how to properly reply, because I didn’t want to apologise for being me but at the same time I didn’t want to come across as arrogant.

So, I asked a Facebook Business page what I should do and this is where it gets interesting….

Comments varied greatly

There were some great ones, I might add!

I was told that you should never use the word ‘fuck’ in business (fail on my part) then on my Instagram account I randomly saw this and had to crack up laughing ….

Blasphemy is another no-no.  (another major fail as I’ve also said the JC thing live on Facebook and in Webinars!)

I’m kind of surprised by this considering 47.9% of Australia’s population don’t identify with being Christian, so if you’re not a Christian, why should blasphemy offend you? (I am asking a genuine question here!)

However, there was also the flip side of this with people saying just let her go because she is obviously no longer my tribe.

I want to ask you, what do you do when something offends you?

I’ve learnt during the past 10 years to ask myself the following when I’m offended,

  • ‘Why?’ as in why am I offended by what this person has said or done.
  • Was it directed at me personally?
  • Is it something that I should actually be offended about?

I do this to work out if I actually should be offended or am I just being triggered because of something in my past.

Because, I’ve found for me personally, I used to react to a lot of things because of my upbringing but in reality, wasn’t really important in the scheme of things.

I’ve also learnt that just because I may be offended by something, doesn’t mean that I’m right!

I’m also going to be 100% honest here that her comment did trigger me, not me being offended but the whole blasphemy thing.

I have witnessed so much hypocrisy within religion.

I’ve been attacked numerous times because I’m a clairvoyant, by religious people … you know who also believe that Jesus promoted being tolerant and loving ….

So, if you’re offended by my typing / saying Jesus Fíng Christ …. Are you also offended when people say ‘Oh my god’ … when you’re having sex, do you actually say that yourself???!!! (Again, a genuine question!)

Because, let’s be honest, a lot of people do!

Are you offended by blasphemy because you’re really religious? And this, I do understand.

If you’re not religious and offended by it, why? Is it because that’s what you’ve been taught? Or something else?

People today seem to be offended and outraged by so many things, like it’s suddenly a popular thing to do…  

My opinion is I won’t be offended on behalf of someone else, unless they are offended themselves.

There was a big thing about Donald Trump and Jennifer Hawkins when he was going for presidency, Jennifer came out and said that she had no problem with what he said.

So, why did everyone else continue to be outraged / offended by it?

Are you outraged / offended by child slave labor in the fashion industry?

Then do you go and buy a t-shirt from a big outlet for $3.00? Who do you think made that shirt so cheap that it can be sold for $3.00?

Why are you really offended?

My point is, in general, if you’re offended by something, ask yourself why?

Do you just get offended by some thing and you don’t really know why?

And to be honest, if you’re a very religious person, you shouldn’t be following me because I’m pretty much what all religions speak against! Lol

I’d love to know your thoughts on what offends you and why!!!!