Your spirit guides are there to help you through the ‘good’ and the ‘not so good times’.

Because, it doesn’t matter how spiritual you are – life still goes on.  This includes the crap that everyone goes through which comes in waves throughout their life.

Meditating every day doesn’t mean that you won’t experience anything ‘bad’ happening in your life.

It also doesn’t matter how ’emotionally enlightened’ you think you are – when you’re dealing with cancer or the loss of a child, for example, that will test the best of us.

It’s a comforting thought to know that your spirit guides are around you, especially when you’re going through something and you feel that you’re all alone.

Why you must have a spiritual practice?

The important thing here is to start a spiritual practice as soon as possible so that when a crises happens it will allow you to be able to handle it better.

Having a solid spiritual practice is something that constantly helps our mind, body and spirit.

It will help us deal with the issue at hand in a more open way.

Being aware of your total self also allows you to realise when it’s an old ‘trigger’ that kicks the ego in as a response.

Stay connected!

Keeping connected with your spirit guides and asking for their help in getting through any issue is a great leveler.

Meditation is a good way to do this, and yes, I know it can be difficult to do! 

When you’re going through a rough patch, meditate as much as you can, even if it’s in five minute lots.

Try and clear the mind, relax the body and give your soul a bit of a break.

Talk to your spirit guides in your meditation, ask them, in your mind… to help you,… to guide you…. to keep you strong – whatever it is you need.

Or what they think you need!

You can call on them throughout the day and night and they’ll always be there listening, even when you don’t think that they are.

Don’t forget that things take time to put in to place or change and they can’t always work miracles!

Be patient! Well, as much as you can.

Your spirit guides are there for you, to help and guide you through this thing ‘called life’. 

That’s their job, so don’t be afraid to ask for their help. 

Don’t knock back their help when it’s given, even if it’s not the kind of thing you wanted!

Remember to just breathe through those difficult times.

Katrina-Jane x