There are four vital things to know when life, in general, seems to get in the way of your goals.

You’ve put the effort in to decide what your goal is.

Maybe you even went so far as to work out how you would be able to achieve it.

Then shit happens.

There can be a huge number of external factors that can feel like they are blocking you from being able to focus on your goals.

What do you do?

Do you give in at the first sign of a hurdle? (the answer is no!)

Ask yourself how much you really want to achieve this goal.

If you give up, this in itself is an indicator of whether or not you’ll achieve it.

Let’s just say for example you’ve decided to go and study this year because you want a degree.

You’ve got kids and a partner who are all constantly pulling at you for your time.

Which leaves you exhausted and with absolutely zero energy to study.

You could just throw in the towel then and there and think that it’s just not meant to be.

It actually doesn’t mean that at all.

In whatever situation you find yourself in, the first thing you need to do is set boundaries.

You need to:

  1. Say no.
  2. Delegate to others.
  3. Let go.
  4. Give yourself permission to put yourself first.

Those four things are the toughest things to do.

Say no to the kids and what they want. (you’re not a bad parent by doing this!).

Get your partner to help more than they do. 

Stop being a control freak that has to do everything themselves.

Don’t feel guilty because you’re going to lock yourself in your room and study.

Obviously, depending on what you want to do depends on how you do those four things.

Wanting to take a year off and travel?  Then say no to constantly going out with friends – have them over to your place.

Stop feeling guilty for not spending money where it’s not needed so you can have this trip.

If those around you get pissed off at the boundaries that you’re setting, then they’re not true friends.

A true friend will understand and support you in what you’re wanting to achieve – and that goes for family too.

Remember this, a lot of people around you will be jealous (they wouldn’t admit to it) that you’ve actually got the balls to achieve your goal.

They will try and sabotage you and your dreams because it makes them feel better. 

This is your life, your goals and dream.

Live it and set the four boundaries in place.  Then go and have a wonderful life, and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.
