I know some people believe that if you’re in the ‘spiritual’ line of work that you shouldn’t charge.

 I’m not quite sure why that is. 

The only response I get when I ask is that ‘it’s a gift’ well, as far as I’m concerned, anything that you do well and that you enjoy is a gift – so with that logic …..

Artists should give away their art, hairdressers shouldn’t charge to cut hair, office managers shouldn’t get a wage to organize others, wedding planners should charge to organize a wedding. Get where I’m coming from here?? 

I hate to quote the bible but here goes ….. “the love of money is the root of all evil”.

Note that it’s NOT money itself that’s the root of all evil, but the love of it. 

Money to me, is like energy, it’s just an exchange. I provide a service and you give me money.  You provide a service to me and I’ll give you money – as exchange of energy. 

It’s really that simple.  Just like everyone else, I have bills that need to be paid and I wouldn’t have the time to do readings if I had a full-time job doing something else!

I really don’t feel that there should be an issue with anyone who is ‘spiritual’ charging for their service.  If you don’t think they should pay, then ask yourself what it is you do, that you get paid for and should you?!

I can pretty well tell you that there is no way that you would do work for someone and not even think of being paid for your time!  Unless, of course you’re a volunteer, which is completely different.

However, people that have a ‘spiritual’ business literally just to rip people off, well that’s bad energy. 

I love a meme that I read a while ago ….. People who horde ‘stuff’ are told they have a mental issue yet, people who horde money are put on the front of Financial Magazines and thought to be wonderful.

Hoarding money isn’t a good thing, that’s bad energy.  Saving for a raining, well there’s nothing wrong with it. 

I also believe that as we get money, we should also keep that energy flowing, and that’s where hoarding money isn’t a good energy! 

Paying people properly for the service that they provide, donating to charity – that’s all good karma / energy because you’re spreading the money (energy) around.  You’re allowing it to flow.

It comes in, it goes out – that’s a good flow of energy. 

There is nothing wrong with being in a ‘spiritual’ line of work and charging for it because as I said, money is just energy. 

There’s good energy and there’s negative energy.You want that positive vibe happening as much as possible!!!  

Love & Light



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