When you’re spiritual all you need to do is ‘wish for it to happen’ and it’ll happen – right?

That’s actually not how it works.

Having been brought up in a religious environment I’m going to quote the ‘good book’, with ‘god helps those that ‘help themselves’.  It’s actually the same principal when you’re spiritual – those in the spirit world will help you when they see that you’re helping yourself.

Should our spirit guides stop ‘bad’ things from happening to us?

No!  The reason for this is that I believe that our role in this life and the other lives that we live is to learn key things, lessons and to have a greater understanding. If we don’t learn those lessons in this life, then we’ll come back and go through similar situations until we do learn the lessons.

Every decision that has to be made is ours to make.  If you feel pressured to make a decision, then it’s up to you to stand up to that person who is pressuring you.  If you give in, that’s your choice. Also, remember that not making a decision is still a decision.

The responsibility of our lives, is 100% our responsibility.

So, what do our spirit guides do? 

They’re there to help us.  They will help our gut instinct kick in.  They’ll send people into our lives to help us.  They’ll even send people into our lives to test us and push us!  Remember, that their role is to help us learn those lessons that we need to learn. 

Do our spirit guides want to see us hurting?  Hell no! Of course, they don’t, they love us and care for us, but it’s no different to being here and living this life.  You have to do a bit of ‘tough love’ towards a child, friend or relative. It’s no different to those in the spirit world.

They know what we need to experience, to learn – even the not so pleasant stuff.  They’ll always be there for us to talk to, but we can’t blame them when something goes ‘wrong’ in our lives.  The responsibility is ours, we make the decisions that lead us to the destination. If we don’t learn our lessons, as mentioned, we’ll go through something again and you can’t blame the spirit world for that.

Essentially, our lives are our responsibility, the decisions we make, the things that we do.  The responsibility of those in the spirit world is to help us achieve the lessons so we can move forward.  To let us know that they’re around to offer comfort to us. Sometimes, they’ll protect us because it’s what they need to do, but other times they’ll let us fall because it’s what they need to do. 

The tough thing for us is we don’t remember what those lessons are that we need to learn!  So, when something happens to you, instead of thinking ‘why me’, instead ask yourself what you need to learn from this experience.  Is it patience? To be more discerning? To have more faith? Maybe you need to learn to trust that gut instinct more. 

Sometimes, those lessons are literally just the experience of going through something, whether that’s an illness or some other experience.  It’s not necessarily a lesson but more to know what it’s like to have cancer, or diabetes, for example. 

I believe that through the lifetimes that we live we need to experience so much and you can’t pack it all into one lifetime.  The experiences will be different as will the lessons, because that’s what we chose to learn / go through before coming to live in this lifetime. 

So, the responsibility was ours in the spirit world, choosing the life / experiences that we needed to have and then we come down and start living it. 

Don’t blame the spirit world when things don’t go the way that you want, because you’re the one who has the responsibility.

Love & Light


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