Maybe I need to rephrase that question to read, should we always stay positive?

Staying Positive!  Just saying that is almost enough to frustrate the hell out of me!  Thus, creating negative feelings.  You see, there’s a lot that’s been said and shared about being positive.

You know what I’m talking about, right?  How, it’s “good” for our wellbeing to stay positive.

However, I give you permission, right now, to get angry, pissed off, frustrated or sad.

Go on!

Forget about being positive and just let those negative emotions flood through you.

Here’s the key though …. don’t hold onto those emotions, just let them flow through you.

Don’t hold onto your anger.  Don’t get pissed off at everything.  Don’t unpack your bag and stay sad.

It’s OK NOT to be positive, but you can’t focus on the negative all the time either.

That’s the first thing that I want you to know.  All those other emotions are what makes us human and it’s OK to have them, but don’t allow them to take over your life.

I’m definitely one of those ‘go fuck yourself, namaste’ kind of spiritual people.

But can we always stay positive? 

No, I don’t think we can and I also don’t think it’s healthy to try and always be positive.  Because then what you’re doing is suppressing all your other emotions and eventually you’ll explode or crash and burn.

There’s something I call being a ‘positive negative’.  When something shitty in your life happens, accept it, don’t go on about how it’s not fair or whatever, just go yep, well, that’s pretty crap isn’t it.

Then, you turn to the positive and say, ‘so how are we going to tackle this?’  What steps do I need to do to change the situation, whether that’s something that you need to do physically or maybe mentally / emotionally as in how you actually respond to it.

So, you have permission to be a normal human being with all those emotions.

But being positive, means you focus on how to get out of the negative.  You focus on the good things in your life, but accept that negative still happens.  Don’t try and pretend that nothing bad is happening when it so obviously is.

Yes, negative things happen to people that are positive, you’re not going to avoid it, but what you can avoid is the angst that those negative things can do.  It’s all in how you react, how you let it affect you (or not).

It’s called life.

And having the ‘well, shit happens’ philosophy leads you to being more positive.  You’ve accepted that something negative has happened, but you’re not allowing it to drown you in its negativity. You’re going to focus on changing how you feel about it, how you react to it or physically doing something different.  You’re putting a positive action rather than a negative reaction.  And this allows you to turn the negatives around much quicker so your life isn’t overwhelmed with constantly focusing on the negatives.

Believe me, we all have so much that we can be positive about!

What are your thoughts on ‘staying positive’?

Love & Light



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