And I do believe that they are two very different sets of beliefs / ways of life.

I was brought up in a strict religious environment, which I have since left.  However I would now describe myself as spiritual.

Religion is a specific set of beliefs and practices, usually based on a bible, though not always.  Usually it’s followed by a group of people, that meet in a church / synagogue / mosque etc.  There is also a hierarchy involved; leaders who carry out practices and rituals and preach sermons which remind the followers of the core set of beliefs and how they should be living their lives.

So, if you’re religious, you would be following the set of guidelines that your particular religion follows.

Whereas spirituality is more of a personal belief system that focuses on peace and your sense of purpose.  Spirituality involves your soul and your inner self.

You hold your own set of beliefs that you follow.  Each person’s beliefs are different according to who they are and what they need.  There’s no guidebook for you to follow and your spiritual belief and practices will more than likely change and grow as you do.

I’m not here to tell you which is better because that’s your personal choice and having grown up in the religious environment I do, honestly, understand why people go to church.

There’s a sense of family within a church.

Depending on what you’re going through in life, it can offer you a sense of calm and belonging, especially in this world where we are very disconnected with our communities.

Whereas spirituality is an individual journey, where you may read different belief systems and pick out what you know is right for you, rather than following a strict guideline.

What I love about spirituality is that it changes, as you grow and learn, so does what you believe or practice.  You’re inspired to listen to your inner guidance and to expand who you are.

Whereas, with religion the set of rules stay the same for years and years and you are taught to not listen to your inner guidance but follow the rules.

I love that spirituality encourages you to find your own path.  To base your decision in life on love, to be open to change and growth.

However, if you prefer to follow the guidelines of a religion, that’s your choice and that’s perfectly OK.

In the end, for me, as long as you feel happy and secure in your beliefs and don’t beat others over the head with it, all is well.

I’m a spiritual person, not a religious person and respect whatever it is you believe and appreciate it when people do the same with me.

I’ll close with a quote that I love and that really resonated with me ….

“Religion is for those who fear hell, spirituality is for those that have been there.”


Love & Light

Katrina x


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