Before we get into some of the things that you can do to clear the energies in your home.

Firstly, lets just touch on how you can notice that you need to clear the energies and also why you should.

Have you noticed that you’re constantly tired? Or maybe just feeling more lacklustre than usual?

Maybe you’ve started to get headaches and having trouble getting to sleep.

Our homes, cars and workplaces all accumulate energy, the energy of others that we pick up throughout the day and quite often it then accumulates.

Have you ever walked into a home and just felt that it was blurgh? You didn’t like the ‘feel’ of the house? That’s because the energies were too heavy, negative or just not in alignment with who you are.

Well, you’re home gets like that too.  However, because you’re in there all the time, you may not notice the subtle changes as they happen.

When they’ve built up enough to affect you, as mentioned above, that’s when you definitely need to take stock and give your home a good cleanse.

Depending on what you do for a living and how often you’re out there in public and what type of people you deal with on a daily basis, you may want to think about cleansing your home once a week, once a month or make it a six monthly event.

So, if you’ve been feeling a bit blurgh, lacklustre, or maybe just pissed off at the world in general, more than normal, because, let’s be honest, we all get a bit pissed off now and again! Then have a read of the following ideas to help you cleanse the energies in your home.

Because what you want to be feeling is positive, uplifted and full of energy!

  1. White sage smudge stick – OK, I know I beat this one to death but it really is a good way to cleanse the energies in your home and car! A tried and true method by the Native Americans. You light the sage, blow out the flame and the smoke of the burning sage cleanses the air and removes impurities — both literal and metaphorical. Always start at your front door and work in a clockwise direction.
  2. Get rid of clutter – a bit of a feng shui thing, and one that I love and do quite often. It’s actually amazing at the amount of shit we seem to hold onto! I know that I find going through things and getting rid of what I no longer need is very cathartic.  Don’t just leave it to a ‘spring clean’ do it every few months.  Ask yourself if you really need the item or would it be better for someone else to have it.  Do you really love it? Do you really need it? Remember that energy remains in objects, especially older items. And depending on the energy type, they may physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually block our path forward. Because when you hold onto unwanted crap, there’s no room for new opportunities to come into your life. So, try to make sure that everything you own brings you joy. If it doesn’t pass it on to someone who will use it or donate it to a charity shop.
  3. Use Crystals and not just any old crystals! Make sure they have the right energy to help you with what you’re trying to do. Black Tourmaline – is great for absorbing and keeping away negative energy. Think of it as a vacuum cleaner, clearing up all those negative energies.  It’s also meant to bring good luck and happiness as well, so a bonus happening there!  Just make sure that you regularly cleanse your crystals, whether in salt water (if you can) or via the full moon energy.  Rose Quartz works at replacing negative emotions with positive ones so you can put some of those around to help balance things out.

There’s some simple but effective tips to help you clear the energies from your home.

While you’re at it, if you can, open up the windows and allow a fresh breeze to blow through as well, banishing any stagnant energy.  When you close up, put a couple of drops of essential oil in some purified water and do a bit of a spritz around the house – it also clears negative energy and creates an uplifting mood!

Love & Light

Katrina x


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