I don’t know about you but when I first started out on my spiritual journey (of which, may I say, I’m still happily discovering and growing as I go along because it never ends) I know that I really, really, really (did I mention really?) …  struggled to meditate!

I have a very busy mind, it never ever stops.

So, I would be at home and sit there in the lotus position with silence all around me all ready to meditate and ……

I’d think about what to cook for dinner

Then I’d correct myself, bring myself back to nothing and then …….

I’d remind myself to reply to an email.

Get what I’m saying?

The struggle was real people!!!

However, with a lot of experience that comes not just from age but also from doing things, I want to share with you 7 tips to help you if you struggle to meditate.

So, in no particular order.

  1. Be comfortable.  Seriously, if you don’t like sitting in the lotus position, then don’t!  If you’d prefer to lie down, then lie down.  If you want to lie back in your recliner chair, then do that.  It’s important to be comfortable when you’re starting out or all you’re going to be thinking about is that your leg has gone to sleep etc.
  2. Pick music that you like. Well, to a degree, don’t listen to rock and roll.  The point is calming the mind and lowering the heart rate to allow the body to rest and recharge and also to connect with your spirit guides, if that’s your aim.  If you don’t like listening to running water, again don’t!  If you’d rather listen to some nice classical music, go for it, as long as it’s calming, listen to it.
  3. Don’t try and ‘clear’ your mind. I know that sounds weird, but seriously, when you’re starting out, don’t try and have nothing going on in your brain.  Instead, listen to the music that you’ve picked.  If classical, follow the sound of one instrument.  Or if some other type of music, pick one sound, say, birds chirping to follow.  You’re still meditating because you’re only focusing on one thing.

Trust me, it’s a whole lot easier when you can actually focus on one thing!

  1. Don’t try and meditate for a long period of time. If you’re struggling, try and get 5 minutes in, and that’s it.  Then when you can do that easily and wish it went longer, go 10 minutes.  Don’t try and sit there for half an hour straight up, slowly work yourself into it.
  2. Focus on your breathing. Again, this is bringing your mind to one thing. I started out going ‘breath in, breath out’ as I was breathing, because when I’m thinking that, I can’t think about doing the washing!
  3. You don’t have to sit. I actually believe that meditating can be anything that brings your focus to one thing, or helps you clear your mind, for example, swimming laps in the pool.  If you’re just focusing on the stroke and breath, as far as I’m concerned, that’s a form of meditation.  So is weeding the garden!  And when you realise that you can do that, then you can progress to the sitting / music if you want.
  4. Don’t be hard on yourself. We all have to start somewhere.  Just give it a go and don’t give up straight away and say ‘you can’t do it’.  Everything takes some time to learn, you don’t just sit down and play the piano (unless your amazingly gifted), you don’t just ride a two wheel bicycle, you practice, you learn and then you get better.

Remember, something is better than nothing and with meditation in this busy world, it’s really important.

If you’d like, I offer some guided meditations that may help you get into the swing of things.  Click >>HERE for the link.


Love & Light
