I personally believe that you don’t just find ‘peace’ or ‘happiness’ in your life.

When you learn the techniques that bring you that sense of peace, happiness, contentment then the rest kind of follow along.

According to Google peace means: freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.

To me, that’s something that happens internally as well as externally.

So, how did I get myself to a place of peace and happiness?

Let me start by saying that it was a process.

When I say process, I mean it actually took me about 5 years to finally get to that place where I felt really good about myself, life etc.

What you have to realise is this, that it actually does take you effort to get there, it also takes work, and the work is WITHIN you.

Because, believe me, your habits are probably the biggest contributor to you not finding peace and happiness!

What have I learnt to not do over the last few years?

I no longer waste energy on people that don’t appreciate me.  I know we all say to do that, but you really do have to do it.

Not only do you have to do it, but you have to recognise it first.

It’s really quite simple.

If you’re the one that seems to be forever ringing friends to catch-up, don’t. Just stop ringing.

Those that ring you are worth keeping, those that don’t? Get them out of your contact list.

The same goes for those people that always want a slice of you to ‘help’ them.

But are never willing to actually do the work that it takes to change and better themselves.

They’re energy wasters.

You’re wasting your energy when you try to ‘fix’ people and tell yourself it’s out of love.

It’s not, it’s out of ego.

If they want to be fixed, they’ll work out how to do it themselves or they’ll just stay miserable.

Family members don’t treat you with respect or you just feel as though they suck the life out of you?

Don’t waste energy on them either.

I stopped judging and comparing my life to others – I actually learnt to be so thankful for the life I had, even though it wasn’t necessarily perfect, it didn’t need to be.

By stopping the judging, I actually improved my own self-esteem and self-confidence.

This meant I was stronger to stand up for myself, speak my truth, to stop trying to convince everyone and myself that everything was alright when it wasn’t.

I stopped wanting more, and suddenly found huge contentment in that.

I accepted that my life the way it was.

Stop thinking that your life is meant to ‘look’ a certain way.

Because when they don’t, we’re not happy.

Your life is exactly the way it’s supposed to be.

That doesn’t mean you can’t go and study or move house etc.

You’re thinking a certain way and it needs to stop.

You need to accept that those things were never meant to be in your lifetime.

Ever thought of it like that?

That the lesson you’re here to learn is contentment with what is, rather than constantly yearning for what isn’t?

I’ve learnt to not stress about what I can’t change – another biggie for me!

I realised that I was constantly making myself miserable by overthinking things, stressing and worrying about stuff I had no control over!

Your life will work out.

As it’s supposed to.

Then deal with whatever you have to.

It brings a huge sense of freedom.

They may sound so simplistic.

But believe me, it’s a tough journey to change yourself and your bad habits.

Just by doing that, you’ll find a huge change in your life.

You’ve removed the people that you wasted energy on, freeing you up to spend with the people who do appreciate you and to do things you love.

When you’ve learnt not to judge or compare you find an amazing sense of relief and joy with what you have.

You appreciate the little things that happen in your life, you give thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t.

Believe me, what you don’t have quite often is stuff that you don’t need!

Lastly, not stressing about stuff that you can’t change, oh man!

That is absolutely a game changer!

I cannot emphasise enough how big a change I have made in my life.

All because I’ve made the change within myself.

Not only that, I firmly believe that the universe senses when you’re making those changes and they start to bring you things you never had before and making your life even better than you could have imagined.

Give it a go, but more than one go!

Make it a new habit, it’ll be life changing.