Have you ever been living your life and thinking everything is alright but then you question yourself and wonder if you’re on the right path?

Maybe you could be thinking that things are just too good!

Or perhaps, everything seems to be falling apart when you try and change things.

Here’s some signs for you to have a look at so you can decide for yourself, if you’re on the right path or not.

  1. When you’re on the right path, regardless of how chaotic life may be, even if it feels as though you’re riding on a rollercoaster, internally you’ll have a sense of peace. You will be at that point in your life where you know that everything happens for a reason, that the negative are lessons to learn that will help you grow and be a better person and the positive are affirmations that you’re on the right path.
  2. You have recently totally withdrawn from the world, I’m not talking depression but realising that you need some time out from all the fast paced technology, to take time to meditate, do yoga, go for walks, journal. But most of all, you’ve shifted your focus and energy inward instead of outward.  By doing this, you’ve discovered what actually resonates with you.  During this time of reflection, you’ve spend time on building your self-love, self-care and what boundaries you need to set.
  3. You have surrounded yourself with the right tribe. When the peeps that you’ve surrounded yourself with are starting to find that their lives are falling into place, that they’re having wins in their own way, and I’m not talking lotto! You can sometimes struggle to see all the good that is happening in your own life, however, remember that when your tribe is winning then it’s a sign from the universe that you are also winning, you just can’t see it.
  4. You don’t abandon logic, you’re not totally off with the fairies and thinking that the universe will provide everything and do everything for you. Instead you have learnt to find a balance between what you know within you feels right but also what makes sense.  While you appreciate the use of logic and what it’s purpose is, you also appreciate what your soul is telling you and your gut feelings.

So, there you go, if you find yourself in the places mentioned above, then you’re on the right path, even though at times you may wonder!

The main thing is this, listen to your soul.

Don’t allow your doubts to creep in because of what other people are saying.

You need to be confident that you’re following your soul regardless of what happens, and believe me, just because you’re following it, doesn’t mean that everything is going to be perfect!

How about you?  Do any of the points above resonate with you?

Love & light

Katrina x