Do you struggle with how to know if it’s your ego or your intuition talking to you when you need to make a decision?

Or maybe when you react to something that someone has said or done?

So many people are always telling us that we need to listen to our intuition more.

But how do you do that?

How do you know if it’s really your intuition telling you something or just your ego stepping in to voice it’s opinion?

Firstly, what is ego?

It’s a sense of your self-esteem or your self-importance.

Secondly, what’s intuition?

It is the ability to know something without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind.

What’s the difference?

Well, the ego only speaks of information that is judgmental, analytical, and lacking.

It’s there to help us make sure that our basic survival needs are being met.

Whereas your intuition is wanting you to live your best life.

You know things like making sure there’s food, water, shelter etc.

It will also go over and sometimes over and over past events to help us when we need to make a decision for our future.

Essentially, it does this because it’s meant to help us analyse things we’ve done in the past and if we should have done them differently.

However, while this may have been perfect for the caveman era, in our world of relative safety, it can overload our minds.

This can also lead to anxiety and depression.

Your intuition on the other hand comes not from that analytical mind but from your soul.

When you ask yourself a question, your intuition will kick in straight away with an answer.

However, give it a couple of minutes and then your ego will follow suit and over analyse or be critical of that first decision.

If both had a voice that you could hear and technically you can hear them, the tone of intuition is loving and kind, whereas your ego will be critical and loud.

To give you some examples of both:-

Your Ego would say: What if I fail?

Your Intuition would say: What if I succeed?

Ego: Why is this such a problem for me?

Intuition: How can I find a solution to this?

Or in a slightly different context, ask yourself if you should start your new project that is passionate to you.

Your intuition would say Yes!

But then your ego would kick in and start listing all the things why you shouldn’t.

Such as ‘you’re not good enough’, or ‘who do you think you are’.

Your intuition is wanting you to live the life that your soul is wanting.

It believes in you, and yes, sometimes it’ll send you on a path where you need to learn a few lessons.

However, it’s always done with a good intent.

Your ego will tell you that you’re not good enough.

It’s trying to be overprotective so stopping you from doing anything that it may consider ‘dangerous’.

Still having trouble?

I have an online Intuition Course to help you navigate understanding and trusting your intuition >>HERE