Are you struggling to find your passion?

I know that so many people ask me about when they’ll find their passion.

Or do I know what their passion should be?

The first thing you need to understand about finding your passion is this:-

Passion isn’t just about your career and/or making money.

It’s not.

How you find your passion is that you need to first find your authentic self.

Really understand who you are.

What you believe.

The life that you truly want to be living.

Your authentic self is buried way down inside you.

Down underneath the needs of other people.

Beneath the expectations of other people.

I’m not just talking about family and friends.  Though, believe me, they’ll give you their input if you’re not doing things the way they think you should!

But also, society in general.

The way that we are supposed to live is so ingrained in society that we can lose ourselves trying to fit in, or do what’s expected of us.

I’m talking about going to university, or being married by a certain age, having kids, buying a house, settling down.

All of those things that society in general expect you to do and live.

But you may not want to go to university, and that’s perfectly fine!

Maybe you don’t want to get married, or have children.  Yet, you may feel pressured to do so by others.

When you start to live your life as your authentic self, you’ll then find your passion and what you’re passionate about.

As an example, you realise that your soul needs freedom and not restrictions.

That travelling around in a caravan makes you feel the most content, that will lead to a passion.  Whether that’s the environment or maybe homelessness, it doesn’t really matter what.

As long as your passion is what truly makes your heart sing, then go for it.

Don’t think for one moment that your passion has to earn you money, it doesn’t.  Or that it has to be your career, because, again, it doesn’t.

What you do for a living and your passion can be two completely different things, and that’s perfectly OK.

Just start with being true to yourself and the rest will fall into place.  Because, you’ve taken the pressure off yourself to be a certain person or live a certain way.

You’ll be back to your authentic self.