Hopefully, you’ve gotten to the stage where you are feeling calmer and clearer with your mind, that you’ve found meditation helpful or maybe you’ve discovered something else that helps you do that.

Just remember that it’s actually really important to quiet that monkey mind that is constantly chattering.

That we can be calm and still to really get in touch with our soul.  To be able to listen to our soul is really important if you want to work out what your purpose is.

Here is the next step for you to start focusing on, whilst still incorporating what you’ve done to date. Remember you don’t do one thing, forget it and then move to the next!

And if you’re wondering why I’m advising you to do things this way, it’s because it’s better to make a change of your lifestyle, instead of looking for the quick fix.

Let’s be honest with this world of everything being fast and at your fingertips, it’s actually really important for us to all just slow down and be present in the moment.

Instead of constantly thinking of the next thing that we need to do.

Start thinking about your home and work environment and clean up the physical part of your life.

Yep, it’s time to de-clutter!!!!

If you’ve lived in one place for a long time it’s amazing how much “stuff” you accumulate, stuff you don’t ever use or need but have.

Things like the gifts that you never use etc.

I like something that I read which went something like this …. have a look around at all the stuff you have, that used to be money.

It’s now time to clean up your space so that everything is light and airy and open.

It’s also a good idea at this point for you to look at why you hold onto all that stuff.

Thinking about dividing things up into sections.

  1. Stuff you want to keep – because you use it or it brings you joy
  2. Stuff that you don’t want to keep but is sellable
  3. Stuff that is ok to donate
  4. Throw out stuff

I’ve sold so much stuff through places like Ebay, Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace and made some pocket money in the process!

Are you holding onto things because “the kids might like it” well ask them! Do you want this?

And if they do, then tell them to take it!

Remember that saying that if you haven’t worn or used it in a year, then you never will.

Have a junk drawer / messy utensil drawer in the kitchen?

I actually did this ….. take everything out and put it in a box, then as you use it put it back into the drawer, you’ll find you only use about ¼ of the stuff in there.

So, sell or donate whatever is usable and throw what isn’t.

Clothing?  How much do you really need?

Like most things we use only a quarter of what we have.

Turn all your coat hangers around so that they face the same way, when you wear something put it back with the coat hanger facing the other way.

At the end of the season whatever hasn’t been turned around, you know you don’t wear, for whatever reason and you can sell it / donate / throw.

Naturally we all have something in the wardrobe for that special occasion etc. I’m talking about all the everyday stuff in there that you just don’t wear.

You’ve cleared you’re mind now get stuck into clearing the energies around you.

There’s nothing better than a good spring clean and getting rid of clutter that you just don’t need.

Love and light

Katrina x