How do you find peace within?

Where do you even start?

It’s something that so many of us want, to find peace and calmness in our everyday life and yet the more we strive for it, the more we don’t have it.

I’m going to share with you some things that I’ve learnt along my own personal journey.   I just want to add that I’m still on that learning journey as we all are!

And yes, I still get pissed off at times, however, I can honestly say that I’ve found a contentment that I’d hear about but never thought that I’d get to that place.

  1. Don’t judge others – seriously, you feel a whole lot better about yourself when you stop running other people down in your mind, instead, lift them up. Think of a negative comment you think about someone and change it to a positive – for example, “I can’t believe she’s wearing that outfit” to “how amazing is she to have the confidence to wear what I wouldn’t!”.  Don’t believe me? Start doing it. Every. Single. Time.  As soon as you have a negative thought, flip it. Always.
  2. Stop comparing your life to someone else’s – just don’t. We’re all on our own journeys, we’re travelling at different speeds and in different ways.  Stop looking at someone else’s life and thinking it’s not fair that they’re beautiful/rich/famous or whatever it is.
  3. Show gratitude – at everything, be thankful for what you have, for where you live, it kind of ties in with the above, just focus on your life, be the best person that you can be, but constantly give thanks to the universe for all the little things that we have.
  4. Spread kindness – it doesn’t cost anything to smile at someone else, to help someone when you see they need it, if someone in the check-out line behind you has a couple of things and you have a trolley full, let them through.
  5. Stop wanting more – seriously, the more we earn the more we spend and it’s gotten out of control. You actually don’t need probably half the gadgets you have in the kitchen, you also have more than enough clothes.  If you want to, do a test, and this only works if you don’t have a uniform for work, wear ALL your clothes before washing them.  See how long it takes before you actually have to do a load of washing.  If you can go a couple of weeks without having to wash, then you have more than enough clothing. I’m talking physical things here, I’m not talking emotional growth or wanting to learn more.  However, again re. that comparing, you don’t need the latest style of lounge when there’s nothing wrong with the one that you have.  When I go shopping and am tempted to buy something, just because, I stop and ask myself if I REALLY need it.  If the answer is no, then I don’t buy it.
  6. Get rid of clutter – a favourite of mine, go through your wardrobe and sell the clothes you no longer wear, sell off those kitchen gadgets, and all the crap lying around that you keep ‘just in case’. When I’m going through things, I ask myself if my son would want this when I die, if the answer is no, then I get rid of it.  Sure, I’m still holding onto mementos and a few bits, but I seriously have empty shelves in my linen cupboard and the spare room wardrobe is also empty.  Don’t need it? Don’t use it? Sell it off and don’t buy replacements!  A clutter free home is a clutter free life.
  7. Don’t hold onto anger – my final point and one that’s hard to do. When I get really pissed off at something, I’ve taught myself to ask this question … “Is there anything I can do?” if it’s out of my hands then I just let it go.  I believe that saying which is, ‘holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die’ – anger and stress is doing nothing but destroying your peace of mind.  It takes practice but believe me it’s worth it.


I would love to hear from you.  How do you find peace within?

Love & light

Katrina x


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