How do you know if your third eye is opening?

More importantly, do you even know where it is?!

Let’s start at the beginning.  Your third eye is located in the middle of your forehead between your actual eyes, and no, you don’t have an actual third eye, it’s a term that is used in spiritual terms and is also known as the Brow Chakra location.

The Third Eye is said to be the gateway between humans and the spiritual realm.

When most people start out on their spiritual journey, they will be looking at opening their third eye and raising their vibrations so that they are more in tune with their higher selves.

The Third Eye usually opens when you are ready to step on your spiritual path.  You can’t force it to open because your energy won’t be ready, you just have to accept that it will happen when it happens, and believe me, the Universe has a plan about this moment.

Here’s some signs that your third eye is starting to open.

  1. Pressure in your forehead between your eyebrows – I’m not talking about a blinding pain, but just a slight pressure as though someone has put their finger there and is gently pushing against your skin.
  2. Headaches – Oh lordy me! I did not and still don’t enjoy this part of things …. This is the Kundalini energy opening up your third eye – I got into migraines which wasn’t at all pleasant, thank goodness those days are very few and far between now. However, generally, you should be able to calm your headaches down with meditation or having a reiki session.
  3. Sensitivity to light – always been an issue for me and I didn’t understand it until I personally, got onto my spiritual journey. I can’t watch a tv in a dark room, nor can I go to movie theatres without getting a blinding headache from the light.  I also don’t like working under artificial lights, I need natural sunlight coming in, and even then, if I’m outside, I always have to wear sunglasses because things seem so bright!
  4. Gradual changes within your life – because you’re becoming more spiritual you’ll want to do things that help you on your path, you’ll more than likely start to eat a lot more healthy and steer away from processed foods and possibly meats as well.
  5. Increased Intuition – a ‘knowing’ you may find you have more dreams that tell of something happening, or even just sensing when something is going to happen during your normal day.
  6. More vivid dreams – you’ll remember them more and you’ll see things clearer and be more aware if there is a message in them.
  7. You become more conscious of what you’re eating – food has a vibration to it and you will find that you’re wanting wholefoods, more than processed foods, that you’ll feel better when you remove the ‘junk’ from your diet. You may also find that you reduce or stop your alcohol intake as well.

While there is a bit of an order to things, obviously, it won’t happen 1 – 7 for everyone.

I remember when I was meditating and trying to visualise my third eye, I literally say this big eye looking at me through a little window.  Kind of like Alice in Wonderland vibe to it, a blue eye – mine are green by the way! And I was in a kind of shock and then realised …. OH! That was my third eye looking back at me!  LOL

More than anything, enjoy the process.  Again, don’t force it, the universe will let it happen when it’s meant to happen.

Love & light

Katrina x