I’ve had a number of people ask me about the levels in the spirit world.

Are there levels that we need to attain?

Or is everyone the same?

Personally, yes, there are different vibrational levels in the spirit world. Let’s be honest, this is my personal opinion because when we reincarnate we don’t usually remember everything that goes on in the spirit world.

Our work here on earth is to help us increase our vibrational level in the spirit world as well as here.

I have to admit that I’m often hesitant about actually talking or mentioning the different levels because far too many people start acting as if it’s a competition.

I know that there are different belief systems out there and each has their own thing, which is fine but, seriously, when people start a spiritual journey, they often can let their ego take over.  They are then not really gaining spiritual attainment; they’re just thinking they are.

Spiritual attainment is a personal growth system that you go through and when it’s true, you don’t need to brag about it to others (i.e. I’m at level 14 in the XYZ level in my spiritual attainment). No, no you’re not – you just like to think you are.

None of the levels are better than the other, it’s all a personal journey.

So, what are the vibrational levels in the spirit world?? 

Physical Beings – You and me, here on earth.  We’re living life, we have bodies, heartbeats, we get pissed off and during our time here, we hopefully, start to grow, to want to expand and raise our vibration.  We start to connect with our soul and we can raise our vibration so that we connect with those in the spirit world, such as our loved ones, spirit guides, angels etc.  But we can’t sustain it.  I believe that each time we reincarnate, we’re working on improving our vibration.

Deceased Loved Ones – Anyone that you know and even those that you don’t, when we leave our physical bodies behind and go back to the spirit world, our vibration is higher.  As we have worked on our vibration here on earth, we do so in the spirit world as well, to attain the level of spirit guide.

Spirit Guides – Spirit guides are anyone who has lived the human experience and have chosen to help us on our journey here on earth.  They will offer guidance to us in a number of different ways and this includes warning us of danger and helping us with decisions.  They don’t have to be a relative, they can be anyone.

Ascended Masters – are people that have lived here on earth but were amazing divine teachers, think Buddha and Jesus as a couple of them.  They are attached to any particular culture nor religion but because of the impact that they have had on people, they are often looked upon and spoken about in a religious context. Ascended Masters have removed all their fears and raised their vibration enough to ascent to the spirit world and their teachings are of love and that we are all worthy, it doesn’t matter what religion or race we belong to.

Angels – Once you reach the vibrational level of an angel, you no longer return to earth in the physical form. I believe that everyone of us has our own personal guardian angel that is with us for life, guiding, helping and protecting us, but they can’t protect us from everything, otherwise we won’t learn lessons and grow. An angel will come to you in a form that you understand and accept.

Archangels – Are the overseers of the angelic realm, their vibration is such that they have a lot of power, and when you call upon them, they’ll be there instantly to help you – e.g. Archangel Michael for protection.  I also believe that they help and guide the angels on what they’re doing as well.

The Divine – I didn’t want to use the word God because it immediately conjures up religion and this omnipotent being sitting on a throne in heaven, well, for me it does because of my upbringing.  However, to put it simply, The Divine/God is what you believe it to be.  However, as far as I’m concerned God is love, pure and simple.  God is everywhere, all around us, in the sun we feel on our face and the wind blowing in the trees.  You and me are God because God is love and is in everything we see and feel and we are all love.

Well, that’s my take on the vibrational levels and don’t worry, as I also believe in reincarnation, we stay in the Physical Being / Deceased loved one aspect for quite a while!

Remember, it’s not a competition, just make sure that you continue to grow and expand who you are.

Love & light
