Is it real?

How do you explain it?

I’ve always found the thought / topic fascinating!

I mean is it us as reincarnated souls experiencing something that we’ve experienced in another lifetime? (I do like this thought!) or is it something less spiritual and more scientific?

What is Déjà vu?

It’s that feeling we get that we’ve been to a place before, when we know that we haven’t, or met someone before that we know we haven’t.

That feeling that we’ve been and done it before but have no memory in this lifetime of having been / done it.

So mystical isn’t it?! Or if you’re into Science Fiction you’d believe that there’s a bit of a glitch happening in the Matrix.

Did you know that scientists have actually tried to recreate déjà vu in a laboratory to try and explain this amazing phenomenon of Déjà vu!   Their theory is that we are encountering a situation that is very similar to one we’ve experienced before but have no memory of it.

There’s also a theory that it can be explained by us having lived a moment before as a ‘crossover’ with a parallel universe.

What this means is that whatever you’re doing when you experience déjà vu, a parallel version of you is doing the exact same thing / experiencing the same thing in a different universe at exactly the same moment, so you’re creating an alignment between the two universes.

I don’t like those scientific theories, I like the spiritual one.

For me, as mentioned, I like the idea that a past life experience is being triggered in our souls which lets our brain know that we’ve experienced it before.  That our soul is letting us know that this is an important moment for us, that we need to pay attention.

Experiencing déjà vu could be your soul letting you know any of the following:

  • You are currently repeating an action from a past life
  • There are past life experiences and soul aspects you’re able to now heal and integrate
  • You have experience with whatever is happening at this moment
  • You are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people
  • You’ve just experienced a timeline shift
  • You have the support of your spirit team and angels as well as the wisdom and knowledge needed to be here on Earth now.

Yep, to me that just resonates and I like it, even though there’s no scientific reasoning behind it.

I’ll take it that my soul is helping me on my journey in this life.

What about you?

Love & light

Katrina x