You should cleanse your aura – but do you know what an aura is?

Your aura is your energy field

If you’re unsure of what an aura is, in a nutshell it’s the energy field that surrounds you.

We each have our own aura, as does every living thing.

However, did you know that you should cleanse your aura on a regular basis?


I’m glad you asked!

Our aura’s can get drained, especially when we are dealing with other people’s emotions on a regular basis.

Think about how when you’re within someone who is down and you’re helping them out.

When you leave, you often feel down yourself.

That’s when you need to cleanse your aura.

It doesn’t have to be a difficult process or one that requires a lot of time and effort.

However, it’s also a good practice to do at least once a week, more if you’re around  a lot of draining people.

I just thought that I would share these seven simple things that you can do to cleanse your aura.

  1. Drink water with lemon every morning. I do this and have done it for years.  1/4 of a lemon squeezed into a glass filled with warm water.  I have to use a straw to drink it because I have sensitive teeth.
  1. Spend at least one hour in nature OR sunlight daily – obviously remember the slip, slop slap, it doesn’t mean that you lay in the sun for an hour but more that you’re outside in the fresh air and sunshine – it can be rain as well you know!

use sunshine to cleanse your aura

  1. Practice hydrotherapy – which is a fancy name for going for a swim. I suggest fresh water / salt water rather than chlorine in a pool …. not quite the same, however if you only have a pool, go for it. It’s better than nothing.
  1. Listen to soothing sounds before sleep – so instead of being in bed and watching tv on your iPad or looking at Instagram on your phone – play some whatever you class as a soothing sound and just relax and feel the sound wash over you.
  1. Reduce your exposure to electrical gadgets – following on from point 4 …. learn to turn off your phone, iPad, computer, kindle, TV …. and just be. Read an actual book. Sit outside and watch nature. If you’re addicted to them, start turning them off earlier and earlier each week.
  1. Meditate at least five times a week – remembering that meditation doesn’t have to be sitting for an hour every day. It may just be a little 15 minute meditation.
  1. Avoid Alcohol and drugs – personally I don’t drink nor do drugs. The only drug I’ll occasionally take is a Panadol for a headache. For me, I don’t want anything to affect the way I receive messages from the spirit world.

There you have it.

Seven very simple ways to cleanse your aura – you’ll be glad that you did!

Love & light

Katrina x