Challenges – some people love them, others hate them.

I’m going to offer you up some challenges that aren’t too hard to implement into your life.

Challenges just mean you push yourself to do things differently

There’s seven challenges in total and when you start implementing them see how your life changes.

There’s no point in us sitting back and complaining about our lives if we’re not willing to do things differently.

As Einstein, I think it was, said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity.

Let’s not be insane.

Do you want a better life?

Are you willing to accept some challenges?

Hopefully, the answer is yes.

Here are the challenges that you can easily do yourself:

  1. When you find yourself overthinking things (and we all do it) challenge yourself to take a step forward instead with your thinking. Just make a decision.
  1. If you can’t make up your mind between 2 good options then pick the one that scares you the most. Why?  Because it pushes you and helps you to grow faster.
  1. Instead of facing something new with fear, challenge yourself to face it with enthusiasm and devotion.
  1. Instead of blaming yourself when you make a mistake, challenge yourself to not just acknowledge that you made it but to actually learn from it as well.
  1. Instead of trying to control all aspects of your life, challenge yourself to just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  1. Regardless of how you’re treated by others, challenge yourself to always treat others with kindness and respect.
  1. When you find yourself looking at someone else’s life and thinking that it’s better than yours …. in other words, thinking that the grass is greener, challenge yourself to start watering your own grass instead.

These challenges are all just reacting a different way.

As simple and as difficult as thinking a different way.

They are simple, but incredibly effective and your life will be better for facing these simple challenges head on.

Love & light

Katrina x