If you’re one of those people that thinks that they struggle to meditate, I’m going to share with you a few points that may have you giving it another go.

The thing that a lot of people don’t realise is you don’t have to sit there for an hour saying ‘Ohm’ to meditate.  When you’re starting out a short 5-15 minute meditation is all you need and with practice you can go longer if you wish.

The key to anything that you’re starting is slow and steady and don’t push yourself too hard!

Make sure that you’re sitting or lying in a comfortable position, you don’t want to be moving around because your legs are going to sleep etc.  Find a comfortable spot and stick with it.

While most of you may know that meditating is a great way to connect with your inner self, in order to receive messages from your intuition to really hear what your heart is saying, there are other, quite practical reasons why you should meditate.

The trick is that you need to meditate daily, you need to make it a habit that you do, just like stopping off and buying a coffee in the morning on the way to work.  Incorporating a short daily meditation in your daily routine can have some amazing benefits.

Just a hint, don’t try and meditate while driving! LOL

If it means getting up 15 minutes earlier in the day, it’s worth it.

  1. Did you know that a daily meditation helps you lower your stress hormones? While we all need a bit of stress in our lives to get things done, having too much stress and not knowing how to deal with it leads to all sorts of emotional and physical problems.
  2. Studies of studies have shown that those that meditation daily, get better grades when studying. So, if you’re at university or have kids that are at school, get them meditating! Maybe you could make it a daily family thing. Better yet, get the little ones doing it prior to starting school.
  3. Meditation can help with mental health conditions>. Now I’m not saying that it’s going to get rid of your depression or any other mental health condition that you may have, but because it reduces stress and calms the brain, it does help you to deal with a lot of them.
  4. A daily meditation can help you to process your emotions. When I walk, which for me is a form of meditation, I can solve all the problems of the world. It helps me sift through things that have happened and helps me to work through things, realising what’s not important and bringing me back to an even keel.
  5. Meditation can help you to manage anxiety. I know a lot of people today (and I was one of them) who suffer from anxiety. As meditation can help to reduce stress and helps to calm the brain, it’s a good idea to work it into your daily routine.
  6. More creativity and new ideas come from meditating – why? Because you’re clearing your brain out from all the clutter that’s going on in there and allowing space for your creative mind to do its thing.
  7. Memory recall improvement. I don’t know about you but this one is important to me! Meditation brings clarity to our minds, to our elves and this in turn helps us remember things.  You may even incorporate a little memory reminder in your actual meditation.

No more excuses that you don’t know how to meditate or don’t have the time, get a free guided meditation from my website >>HERE and fit in 15 minutes of meditation in your day.

If you can be on Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest or whatever, you’ve got time to meditate and it’s a lot more beneficial.

Love & light

Katrina x