Have you been feeling restless for way too long?

You’re not alone nor is there anything wrong with you.

I’ve had so many readings with people where they’ve said that they’re feeling restless and that they don’t know what direction to take.

It all started with Covid-19 – that completely changed everyone’s worlds in lots of different ways.

People become unemployed, others did a complete flip in regards to what they did for work and others looked outside the box with what their business could offer.

Then we have people being housebound.

Others having plans cancelled or postponed.

And lastly, losing loved ones in difficult circumstances.

This isn’t just in your world, this is something that is affecting everyone, right around the world, so with all those unknowns being created, it’s no wonder that worldwide people are feeling restless and unsure of what they should be doing!

From a spiritual perspective, I do believe that this virus is mother nature’s way of giving us all a major smack over the head.

What I mean by that is with all that’s happened it has made us all reassess our values, made us think about what is actually really important to us and that alone is going to cause a sense of restlessness within us.

If after all of that you’re still feeling restless, it’s because your soul knows that it’s time to be doing things differently.  That doesn’t mean you have to throw in your job and travel but it means that you haven’t worked out what it is you want to do.

You don’t have to have some big life purpose, but you need to live your life with purpose.

Step out of your comfort zone and start doing something different, try a new exercise, a new art / craft, join a volunteer group, just find a passion!

Finding a passion can take some time so don’t try one thing and then just give up.  Keep at it until something sparks your soul.

Feeling restless is a wake up call for you to work out what’s important.  Do you really need that mega mansion on the hilltop? Do you want the mortgage that goes with that? If the answer is yes, then go for it!

With all the goals that you’ve set, with the lifestyle that you’re living ask yourself why?

Why are they your goals? Are they really your goals or expectations of others?

Is your lifestyle aligning with your soul, with your principals? If not, then start making some changes.

Give mother nature a thank you as it’s been a massive upheaval but at the same time, one that was important for all of us.

We all needed to take a step back and reassess our lives and why we’re doing what we’re doing.

Love & light

Katrina x