Your body loves you. Have you ever wondered how much?

I mean, take a moment to think about what you do to it. We can walk thousands of kilometres getting blisters and your body goes right to work healing them.
Because your body loves you.

And then, we can go and do some hard physical work, where our muscles ache and we feel like we can’t move.  Then our bodies go to work, making sure those muscles can still move.

Females can grow a BABY in our bodies, stretching our organs all over the place.  Stretching our skin giving us swollen ankles, not to mention what getting that bub out does to our vaginas.  Or having to repair itself after a C-section.  Man, that’s some serious work there!

Yet, our body will work really hard to get our body’s back as good as it can.

Your body loves you so much, that it will work really, really hard to heal bones that break.

It’s amazing!  Don’t you think?

Your body loves you so much that it makes sure you breathe while you sleep.

It works so damn hard to beat any illness that you might get because your body loves you.

Take a moment to digest that.  Your body never stops working, even when you’re asleep it’s doing things to help you.

All the things that your body does every single day so that you can continue to do things.

Do you love your body back?

Do you feed it the fuel that it needs so it can do its job to the best of its ability?  Or do you fill it full of crap that makes it’s job to keep you going a lot harder?

So many of us look after our cars better than we do ourselves and when you think about how your world would crash if your body did also crashed.  Don’t you think that loving your body back should take a precedence in your life?

Your body loves you and it needs you to love it back.  It needs enough sleep to do it’s thing and re-charge.  It needs good food and water so that it can work at it’s optimum level.

Not just physically, but emotionally too. Your brain is a powerful thing and it can have a huge influence on your physical body.  Did you realise that?  Your THOUGHTS can influence what your physical body is doing.

Do you talk to yourself nicely? Do you offer yourself encouragement?

Or do you starve yourself trying to be thin? Do you look in the mirror with hate at what you see?  Are you constantly trying to turn your body into something that it isn’t?

Your body works so hard for you, don’t you think it’s time you started loving and appreciating it back?

If you enjoyed this blog, and want to change the way you treat your body ….. I suggest you read my book 6 Steps to a Brand New You – to start changing your life.

Love and light

Katrina x