A magic wand, isn’t that something that you’d love to have? So you can just wave it and make everything better?

One thing I’ve found when doing readings is that far too many people want a magic wand.

They don’t want to have to work hard at changing things, they want me to just say everything will be ok.

I can’t do that.

Not when I know that change is needed not a magic wand.

But, here’s a thought, how about YOU become a magic wand?

How? By BEING the change that is needed. Remember this, that you can’t change those around you. You can’t make them see the light. Change their opinions, views or habits.

You can, however change YOUR opinions, views and habits.

A magic wand makes things change, and to change things in your world, to make it better, to be happier you are the only thing you have power to change.
You can be the magic wand that you need.

It won’t be easy. It never is when it comes to making big changes in your life, but it’s usually worth it in the long run.

Change the way you think – don’t worry what people think about, whether that’s you or anyone else.

Change your thought habits – start giving yourself positive thoughts instead of running yourself down.

Stop comparing yourself to others, they’re on their own journey and you’re on yours, so just focus on that.

Don’t try to change people that don’t want to be changed. You’re not a magic wand for anyone else.

Want to lose weight? Then learn about food and start moving!

How about a career change? Sign up for the course you’ve been thinking about – learning new things and getting new skills is never a waste of time.

Stop thinking that you need to achieve things to be happy – just accept your life and be thankful for what you have and start being happy now.

You ARE a magic wand. Sure it’s not as easy as just waving your arms around to change things but the change you want in your life, the change you want to see in the world, starts with you.

So, go out and be a magic wand for you. And see the amazing miracles and changes you can make.