I know you’ve probably heard the word ‘aura’ thrown around, but have you ever wondered what an aura actually is?

what is an aura

Essentially, we all give off energy and spiritually we refer to that as your aura. A more scientific name is an electromagnetic field.

Ancient systems of medicine believe that our auras are in seven layers with seven different colours.

The seven colours are the colours of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Each layer is believed to relate to a different element of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

It’s also thought that each of these layers can interact with one another and they work together to look after your overall health.

While there’s no scientific proof that auras exist, a lot of cultures do believe in them.

How do auras work?

You know how some people make you really comfortable and at ease and some people make you nervous?

This could be viewed as you reacting to the energy that they omit, you sensing their aura.

I suppose in some ways, you could also think of an aura as a ‘vibe’ that people give of, including yourself.

Have you ever noticed that you can just know that someone is upset or angry etc without them saying a single word?

That is again, you sensing their aura.

It’s not just humans that omit aura’s either, it’s actually any living thing.

So, think trees, plants, pets, reptiles etc, they all omit an aura!

In some ways you could think of your aura as an energy shield around your body.

It protects you from other’s energies, but at the same time, it also connects with others.

It’s not just a shield to protect, remember that it works to help keep your body in balance.

What does an Aura look like?

When you see images or pictures of auras they are usually depicted as a kind of evenly spaced circles around the body.

Though I’ve seen them as almost like flames coming off people.

I also have seen that they aren’t perfectly spaced around the body.

It depends on how strongly one is working or not working that creates a kind of ebb and flow effect.

How do you see an aura?

The easiest way to describe it is kind of squinting at whatever/whoever the subject is.

It’s best in a darkish kind of room with a bit of light and with a plain background.

When you’re first trying to see aura’s you usually just see a soft fuzzy white light around the body.

As you practice and progress you may then start to see colours.

Not everyone can see auras.

For some it takes a while to get the hang of it, and yet for others they see them easily and all the time!

Take the time to practice seeing them if you haven’t, it’s fun!

Just don’t give yourself a headache with all that squinting!

Love & light

Katrina x