Have you ever heard of the term The Witching Hour?

What is the witching hour?
How does the witching hour affect your sleep?

It’s often mentioned when babies wake up in the night and you can’t get them to settle.

Others have referred to The Witching Hour when your kids won’t settle just before dinner, or that last hour before the stock market closes when things go haywire.

However, I want to talk about the actual witch meaning of witching hour!

This is when the veil is the thinnest between our world and those in the spirit world.

The term was phrased around the 1800’s to describe that time of night when you are most likely to experience a supernatural event.

The Witching Hour actually isn’t an hour, it’s usually between the hours of 2.00am-4.00am.

Does this mean that you can’t connect with the spirit world at any other time?

No, of course not!

Those in the spirit world don’t follow a calendar nor do they use watches.

They’re going to make themselves known, whenever they can or feel that they need to.

It’s more that during that specific time, we humans are more aware of what’s happening by the spirit world.

Why is this the Witching Hour?

Well, mainly because the majority of people are asleep during this time.

When we sleep, we’re not overthinking like we do when we’re awake.

We’re also not on our computers, phones or ipads etc – so that means that there’s also less electronic frequencies floating around.

In essence, the air around us is more peaceful, our brains are more peaceful.

That makes it a lot easier for the spirit world to connect with us!

Do you find that you wake up on a fairly regular basis around 3am, you know, smack bang in the middle of the Witching Hour.

Don’t be alarmed.

Just relax during the witching hour

It just means that the spirit world have been trying to connect with you.

Me? I’m a regular at waking up at 2.00am at the beginning and not getting to sleep till after 4.00am

See waking up as a good thing not something bad.

Instead of being annoyed that you’re awake, bring your focus to your thoughts.

Take a few breaths to ground yourself.

Then just call on your loved ones in the spirit world.

Then all you need to do is just lie there, and focus on your breath and just be open to whatever guidance, healing or love that comes to you.

By doing this, you’ll also more than likely fall back to sleep again. 😊

Love & light

Katrina x