I was asked the other day why I don’t know the Lotto numbers.  Good question, why don’t I?!  My belief is that my gift is to help others, now I don’t believe that I have to do that at no charge, mainly because I have bills to pay as well.  If I was financial enough that I didn’t need to charge, then I wouldn’t, but I think it’s interesting the way the human mind works, if it’s for free most people don’t think it’s as good as something that they have to pay for!  Why is that??

But, at the same time, I’m not doing what I’m doing to try and fleece people of their money.  I am doing this because I know it is what I’m supposed to be doing and it is a spiritual service to others, I’m not in it for the self-gain, and that is whatever form that may take.  I am able to help people pick themselves up from a loss, or help them move on when they feel that they’re in a stagnate situation, I help them get re-focussed on what is important and what is not.

I suppose that it boils down to the fact that if the spirit world wanted me to win Lotto, then they’d give me the numbers, but they obviously don’t and I don’t care!  I’m doing what I love and that for me is worth more than all the money in the world.

Have a wonderful week everyone!