I meet some amazing people doing what I do, and I feel really blessed to have met them.  I’ve also met a lot of people who expect someone to just wave a magic wand and make everything better for them, which I find incredibly frustrating.

I saw a saying on Facebook the other day and I think it’s brilliant – Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself!

A similar saying from the Christian perspective is “God helps those who help themselves”.

I have no problem with praying to your God, Angels, Spirit Guides or whomever you wish to help you along your journey, I do it myself.  BUT the key that we all have to remember, is that we have to start doing whatever it takes so that your dream can happen.

Want to meet a life partner?  Get off your lounge and step out of your comfort zone and go meet people.

Want to get a better paying job? Go and study so you can move up the corporate ladder.

Don’t use excuses about being too old or not good at studying, you’ll never know if you don’t give it a go.  And remember that even if you don’t succeed in say, study, you would have learnt something about yourself that will help you on your journey.  You may find out that the area that you wanted to study actually doesn’t interest you at all but you then go into a completely different field.  Nothing wrong with that, so don’t beat yourself up about it.

Look at your life at this point, where do you want to be heading?  What journey do you want to take in this wild ride of life?  Then think of some things that you can do to start moving in that direction, even if it’s just baby steps.  At least you’re moving.