Painful lessons, have you ever wondered why we go through them?

They may be physically painful lessons or emotionally painful lessons but regardless, it would be nice if we could avoid that pain altogether, wouldn’t it?

Here’s an example of a rather painful physical lesson that I went through ……

I few years ago, I had a few major things coming up spread over a few months.

In the August I was going to have a at the BusinessChicks 9toThrive expo.

At that expo I did in person one question readings and selling my Oracle Cards, Christian to Clairvoyant and Where Did They Go? books.

I also did a pre-launch for two new products.

A new on-line eCourse – Develop and Trust your intuition in 7 weeks AND also a Monster / Bad Dream Blaster Box that will help your child fight and WIN against the monsters and bad dreams!

The amount of stuff that needs to be organised just for the 9toThrive expo is incredibly overwhelming.

Not only did I have to do all of that but I needed to do readings as well in the normal course of my working day!

So, being me, I wrote a list of everything I need to do.

I’m definitely a list person, however that also means that I have about 50 lists on the go at any given time and I’m trying to combine my lists!

I had finished doing my Gorgeous Guy’s accounts at the office and had Master Monty with me.  I also had an armful of stuff to take to the car and we then had to walk down the stairs.

Because it’s good exercise.

Not, however, when a dog is dragging you down them and you have an armful of stuff and you can’t see your feet.  The stairs spiral at the corners so there is hardly any stair.

Did I mention I had an armful of stuff and couldn’t see my feet?????

I slipped.  Down about 4 stairs, the edge of the stair hitting my left buttock.  I had a 10cm bruise on said buttock.

But the hilarious thing is, as I was walking down the stairs, I was kind of chanting to myself, don’t be overwhelmed, just take things one step at a time ….

I literally should have taken the steps one at a time!

What was my lesson?

Well, I can tell you that I WAS allowing it all to overwhelm me to the point where I wasn’t actually actioning anything because it was all so overwhelming!

Secondly, instead of being realistic that it wouldn’t be a good idea to go down the stairs, I did anyway.

Let’s be honest here, going down the lift once in a while isn’t going to make me unfit!

I’m the kind of person that my guides have learnt that I don’t take subtle hints.

They wallop me with a physical thing that is painful to make me STOP, to think, to smell the roses and to give me that smack over the back of the head that I so obviously need.

That’s why I have painful lessons!

However, I am pleased to say that I did learn a lesson.

I had an Epsom salt bath.

My Gorgeous Guy rubbed some PainAway on my back and I went and had a lay down.

I then woke up 2 hours later!!  I obviously needed it and thankfully, I listened to them.

On the following Monday, I attacked that list and have ordered everything I could order.

So, while I was rather pissed off at my guides for allowing me to fall down the stairs.

I’m thankful because yes, I learnt the lesson, even if it was the hard way!

That’s just one example that I’ve shared with you, I’ve been through depression (emotionally painful lesson) and come out the other side.

What I’ve learnt is that when something ‘bad’ happens to us, you really do need to stop and take stock.

Ask yourself how you could have done things differently.

Take everything as a lesson on how to grow and be a better person.

Most importantly, if you’re really struggling make sure you seek professional help to get you through it.

You don’t need to do anything alone.

While it may feel like you are, I do know that your guides are always with you.

Though it often feels like you’ve been abandoned by them when you’re going through a painful lesson.

The good news is that when you get the hint and learn from it, that particular lesson won’t repeat itself!

Love & light

Katrina x