Benefits of daily meditation

Meditation is important to your health in ways that you may not have realised.

I’m sure many of you, and yes, I’m often one, put it off or ‘don’t have time’.

Perhaps, you’re one of those that think it’s a new-age thing and a bit weird or hippish!

However, it’s not, meditation is not just something that people use to connect with their spirit guides or to find their soul purpose.

I’m going to share with you 5 reasons why daily meditation is so good for you.

Less stress.

When you meditate you feel less stressed, and seriously, isn’t that something that we all want in our lives?

It actually lowers the stress hormone cortisol.

One for the students

A study was done on students and those that were taught how to do a mindful meditation achieved better grades.

Dealing with our emotions

It also helps us to process our emotions, even when we’re not meditating.

Become more creative

Well, not sure if it can suddenly make you creative, however meditation is linked to more creativity and new ideas.

Helps with anxiety

When you meditate you actually will experience less anxiety, maybe not straight away but meditating loosens connections to certain neural pathways – helping anxiety.

The thing is, it helps centre you.   Helps you become more focused on what’s important.

It gives your brain a bit of a break in life as well.

Relaxes your body, clears the stress and worry.

And you’re just having some ‘me’ time, which is really important.

You don’t have to sit there saying om for half an hour.

5 minutes meditation is better than none.

Stop saying you don’t have time.

Start with short meditations to get you into the swing of it.

Watch how you deal with life start to change when you make it a daily habit.

If you struggle to meditate you may want to try my free meditation downloads!

FREE download

Love & Light
