Empath is a term that you may have heard being thrown around.

But what exactly, is an empath?

An empath is someone that can pick up the energies of other people.

So much so that it can affect them on a physical and emotional level.

It’s more than just having empathy for someone’s situation.

Having empathy is having the ability to understand and share the feelings of someone else.

However, being an empath means that you are highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of the people and animals around you.

An empath feel what another person is feeling at a deep emotional level.

Their ability to discern what others are feeling goes beyond empathy.

You’ll usually find that empaths end up being healers of some kind, because it’s their natural bent to want to help others.

Some traits of an empath are:-

  • Highly sensitive
  • Introverted
  • Intuitive
  • Giving
  • Committed
  • Good Listener
  • Self-sufficient
  • Easily Overwhelmed

After reading that list do you feel that you’re an empath?

If so, you may find that the following things are triggers for you.

Knowing what your triggers are, goes a long way for you to keep yourself on a healthy, balanced level.

These can be:

  • Crowds
  • Arguments
  • Loud noise
  • Low blood sugar
  • Stress
  • Excessive socializing
  • Rushing
  • Not enough alone time.

Being an empath, can be a challenge.

You need to feel the desire to help others, but not to burn yourself out.

It’s really important for you to set boundaries in place to help give you that down time that is really important.

You will more than likely find that you’re also an introvert.

We do like isolation!

I told people when Covid first hit and we all had to isolate that I had been training for years for this moment!

The issue as an empath is you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

We are happy to just be by ourselves in our cave and that’s actually not healthy all the time.

Find your balance.

Know the things that may really trigger you.

Then set your healthy boundaries in place so that you’re getting balance.

Learn to say no as well.

That’s a big one!

You can’t be there for everyone all of the time.

Be kind to yourself.