Forgiveness can be one of the most difficult things to do.

Especially when it comes to forgiving someone who hasn’t apologised for what they’ve said or done.

We can hold onto that hurt for a very long time and this isn’t healthy.

As the saying goes, and I think it’s Buddha who said: “holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”

Holding onto hurt isn’t good for our spiritual wellbeing.

What you need to understand is that people often confuse forgiveness with acceptance.

That when we forgive someone, it means that we have to accept that behaviour whether physical or verbal.

It’s NOT.

Forgiveness in no way is saying that you should accept that particular behaviour.

Forgiving someone shows that you love yourself enough that you are ready to move on.  You are ready to grow and create, not just a positive direction in your life, but also a healthy one.

Because when you forgive, you are showing love to yourself that you’re not going to abuse yourself by holding onto that hurt.

When you get to that point, where you’ve forgiven and shown yourself love, when you’re in that positive direction, that’s when you can and should decide if someone should be in your lives or not.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you will continue to put up with that behaviour.  Nor does it mean that you will continue to have that person in your life.

It means that you’ve learnt to detach yourself from them, and while that can be incredibly challenging, it’s also something incredibly powerful.

Having that control over your life, and who is in it, which in turn brings about peace to your life, is something that everyone should strive for.

Your spiritual wellbeing is one of the most important things that you should be striving for.

Holding onto anger and hurt isn’t going to bring about peace and contentment in your life.

Love & light

Katrina x