A bugbear of mine is when people use spirituality as an excuse in their lives – and believe me I come across them every day!

For instance, a hoarder will say to me “I know Spirit wants me to hold onto this stuff for a future purpose” or “I need to leave my partner because I know that my journey is elsewhere”.

What it boils down to is the hoarder doesn’t want to get rid of their stuff so they use Spirit as an excuse and the other person just doesn’t want to be with their partner anymore and instead of just saying they’re unhappy, somehow it becomes part of a “spiritual journey”.

Your spiritual journey is within yourself.  Not where you live, how you dress or what you do for a living.  It’s INSIDE of you and that is where the change is, within.  The rest of your life can be exactly the same as what it was, but you now just look at it differently and accept things differently but you have to still continue on with your life and responsibilities.

If everyone packed up and went to an Ashram in India because it was their “calling” or whatever, the world would fall apart because we still need bakers, bus drivers, miners etc.

Some of you won’t agree with me and that’s fine, this is my opinion and what Spirit has told me and it’s just a frustration that I have when people use Spirit as an excuse to justify what they’re doing.  It makes me mad!!!  J

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this matter!

Till next week, Katrina