If you haven’t noticed by now, I love sayings, whether they are funny, or inspirational.  Either way, if they put a smile on your face, they’ve got to be good!!!

One of my favourite ones is “going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car” I LOVE it!

For years I was brought up with the Bible rammed down my throat and the whole “Christian” and I do mean that in inverted commas, doctrine having to be adhered to.  What I find interesting about religion in general is that most of the main stream ones all use the same bible but have just interpreted it differently to suit themselves!

I believe so many different things now to how I was brought up and I am finally comfortable with who and what I am. 

But I have to put it out there – especially the whole “We have to follow Jesus and be a Christian” don’t they realise that he was a Jew??!!!  LOL.

I don’t care what religion or crede you follow, what I do care about is that you don’t try and force your views on me, I’m happy to discuss your views as long as you’re willing to listen to mine…… wouldn’t the world be a better place if all those zealots followed that bit of advice?

So what stories do you have in regards to religion/s and they’re views of “if you don’t do what we say you’ll go to hell” kind of philosophies?? I would love to hear them!!