Timing in a clairvoyant reading.

This can be a tricky thing to give someone when they ask.

You see, it’s because we all play a part in creating the life that we want.

To give you an example:  ‘when will I meet someone’ is a common question.

The answer isn’t always easy to give because there are so many factors that need to be taken into consideration.

For example, a clairvoyant could be given the time frame of ‘within 3 months’.  So, we say to the client, ‘you’ll meet someone within 3 months’.

Now, that doesn’t mean that someone is going to just miraculously appear in your loungeroom!

It means that you need to get yourself out there, meeting people so that you can meet that special someone that we’ve seen and you’re waiting for!

Us, individually need to make changes in our lives to make things happen.

As Albert Einstein said ‘doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity’.

You can’t keep doing the same things, in this example, staying home and not socialising, not chatting to people, not meeting new people and expect things to be different.

The universe will do everything in its power to help you.

The kicker is YOU have to do things as well.

Things aren’t just going to miraculously happen by doing nothing.

You won’t get that dream job if you don’t study what needs to be study, or even apply for that job!

Some random company isn’t going to just ring you up and offer you the position if you’ve done nothing to work towards it.

I know that may sound a bit like a cop out on behalf of clairvoyants.

But it’s actually the truth.

Will you pass those exams? Yes, you are, but that doesn’t mean you can just sit back and not study and you’ll pass them!

See where the universe is coming from?

Don’t forget that sometimes too, things take longer than we had wanted because that’s part of the journey.

Maybe you’re meant to fail that exam because of what’s to come that you’d miss out on if you’d passed.

Don’t forget as well, that when we give a timeline it’s because we can see that the path that you’re currently on (with the information we have, which isn’t everything!) we see XYZ happening.

But you have the free will that when you get to that point, to do something completely different, that’s perfectly OK!

But you’ve changed your timeline.

Again, not necessarily a bad thing!

So, when having a reading, and the clairvoyant gives you a timeline, don’t’ just assume that means that you sit back, do nothing and everything will fall into place.

It won’t.

All you’re doing is extending the timeline by doing nothing.

OR you’re changing the timeline because of the different choices you’ve made.

Regardless, just remember that everything will happen as it’s meant to happen, which isn’t necessarily how you want things to happen!

When you accept this, then life becomes a lot less stressful.

Love & light
