How do you find happiness?

I often write my blogs because a theme starts coming through in questions that people ask.

The theme at the moment is happiness, ‘when will I find happiness?’ or ‘will I be happy again’ … well, you get the drift.

First of all, I want you to understand what it actually means to be happy.

There’s a quote that I love and it goes something like this…. Living a happy life is just a string of happy moments”.

Unfortunately, most people don’t allow the happy moment.


Because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life.

Happiness also isn’t something that you ‘find’.

It’s being content with who you are and what you have.

Sounds cliché, I know, but it truly is all about the journey.

For some it’s easier said than done.

They just keep thinking that they have to work towards that happy life.

Happiness – It’s about enjoying where we are in the present moment.

However, don’t take that to mean that you don’t plan for the future!

We still need to constantly move forward in our own personal journey.

Otherwise you’ll stop learning and growing and that’s not the way it’s meant to be.

Experience new things, meet new people, to be put through the wringer and also to have amazing experiences, that’s all a part of living.

Remember, that happiness and contentment with our lives is something that happens WITHIN us.

It’s got nothing to do with what is happening in the world around us.

It’s not about being ‘happy’ all the time, that’s impossible, but it is knowing that you’re blessed for whatever reasons.

Happiness is also something that you can’t give to others nor others for you.

You can’t constantly put others needs ahead of your own because then you’ll find yourself depleted and miserable.

Do you throw away everything you have in pursuit of happiness?

As I said, happiness is within, it’s being content with what we have, it’s not in attaining things.

If you think that you’ll find happiness in an ashram in India, and you leave your family behind to experience it, you may find yourself disappointed.

You’ll learn some things about yourself, for sure, but will it actually make you happy?

I doubt it.


Because you weren’t happy to start with.

When you become more spiritual you realise that a lot of ‘stuff’ that you used to think was important is no longer important.

You start to look at your life differently, you don’t need to keep up with the neighbours.

Contentment is more important than happiness.

So, if you’re after that happy life, then start appreciating what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have.

Count your blessings, continue to grow and learn.

Stop comparing your life to someone else’s because they’re on a completely different journey to you.

What makes you happy and content will be different to someone else.

For some, it’s living the life of a gypsy, travelling around in a caravan and seeing the country and the world.

Then for others, it’s having the security of their own home, feeling settled is what gives them a happy life.

While for others, a happy life is all about enjoying their chosen career.

None of those things is wrong, it’s right for that person.

When you focus on you and your journey and stop and smell the roses and enjoy all those little snippets of happiness and contentment …

Well, that’s how you find happiness.

Love & light

Katrina x