The shops are full of chocolate Easter eggs and can I say I’m a tad annoyed because there were no dark chocolate Lindt bunnies!  Boohiss!

I always have a little chuckle at the Christians who all go on about Easter being the time that Jesus died (no one really has a clue when he died or when he was born for that matter) and we should be celebrating him dying and raising from the dead.  If you’re a Catholic, there’s Lent and I have no idea what that is! LOL

Easter is a Pagan festival and like pretty well all of the Christian celebrations, when they first wanted to convert the heathens there was a huge uproar because the pagans didn’t want to give up their festivals.  So the smarty pants in the church decided to use their festivals but put a religious bent on them.  This meant that the heathens started to go to church (it’s about control people!) and at the same time, still got to celebrate their festivals!

In the Northern Hemisphere it’s the festival of Ostara – the spring equinox, celebrating that the earth is leaving winter and spring is coming – that the buds are starting to bloom.  Things are growing again and the days are getting longer and warmer

Ostara is the goddess of fertility – hence spring.  Bunny rabbits are breeding, though they don’t lay eggs .. lol.  This is a time of balance and love. All of the myths of the Celts, Romans, Greeks etc acknowledge that the spring equinox as the new beginning.

The Goddess Ostara who had a hare (rabbit) brought fertility to the land and all it’s people.  What they did was they got real eggs and painted them and exchanged them as gifts.  See where this is going?  And of course, this was later changed to Easter and somehow we kept the gifts of eggs and fertility!

This time of year in the Northern Hemisphere is about celebrating hope returning to your life.  New beginnings, connecting with nature and the bursts of beautiful colours that you see happening around you.  Appreciating life.  Use this time to ‘start again’ to ‘start afresh’ with new energy and excitement in your life.

However, here in the Southern Hemisphere we’re in Autumn (Fall) and everything is starting to die off and go into hibernation.  We are actually supposed to be celebrating Mabon, the Autumn Equinox.  The reason for this is Pagans celebrated the different seasons, not the date on the calendar and we, in the Southern Hemisphere, live the flip side of the Northern!

We shouldn’t be celebrating life and birth when everything is dying!  It makes much more sense to be celebrating Mabon or Halloween.  This is where we give thanks for whatever has come to pass over the last year, of giving thanks for all that you have received.  This is the time where you need to work though any negativity that you have in your life – facing the ‘dark’ as they say as the days become shorter and the nights longer.

It’s always important to honor your anger, guilt, sorrow etc. – to face the dark side of yourself so that you have balance and healing at this time and ready to face spring when it comes later in the year.   This is also the time of year where you start a savings plan or set your new goals for the future.

In terms of timing, Mabon is the ending of one phase you go into rest, deal with those negative things that you need to deal with so that you’re ready to start afresh in Spring with Ostara and have new energy.  Mabon is a time of healing and looking inward.

I’m not saying don’t buy Easter eggs, I’m just letting you know the true meaning behind this time of year, whether you’re in the Northern or Southern Hemispheres.

May the Easter Bunny leave you lots of yummy chocolate eggs.  😊

Love & Light



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