Soul Purpose is one of those ‘buzz’ terms that seems to be so bloody popular these days.

It’s up there with ‘being happy’ and ‘soul mate’ and ‘authentic living’.  Well, that’s my opinion.

But how important is it to actually know what your soul purpose is?

Before getting into that, let’s touch on what is a ‘soul purpose’?

To me, this is something that makes our hearts sing when we do it.  It doesn’t have to be something that earns you a million dollars, it doesn’t even have to be something that you do full-time.

It’s just something that brings you joy.  It’s as simple as that.

Is it important to find what it is? 

Hell yes! 

However, I feel that far too many people, put far too much emphasis on what their ‘soul purpose’ should be.

What brings you joy in your life?

Sewing? Looking after rescue animals? Volunteer at a charity? Singing?

Any of these things, amongst many others, could be your soul purpose. 

Because when you do what you love, it shows.  When you share that love of what you do with others, it shows and puts love in their life.

Your soul purpose doesn’t have to be your career.  Remember that.

It’s just about doing what you love doing. 

Say you love sewing.  You love the creativity of it, using different fabrics, so you make clothes for your family, people comment and you happily make clothes for others and sure, charge for your time!

You may also make some lovely things for women’s refuge’s or create blankets for animal rescue places from scraps. 

It’s about doing what you love.  If you make money from that and can turn it into a career, that’s great, but it doesn’t have to be.

It may just be visiting the elderly in nursing homes that don’t have family.

If it’s something that you enjoy, then do that!

Stop overthinking that your soul purpose needs to be some big event in your life.  It’s all about doing what you enjoy, whether it’s a hobby or your full-time job.  Stop overcomplicating things.

It doesn’t have to be something that changes the world, however, when you embrace your soul purpose it will change yours. 

What do you love to do?  I would love to hear?

Love & Light

Katrina-Jane x