Change – make or become different

That’s a rather deep beginning for one of my blogs! 

Do me a favor and read it again, would you? 

Absorb it. 

Really understand it.

For those of you that follow my Facebook and Instagram pages you’ll already know 2 things:-

  1. We’ve just been on holiday to Vanuatu
  2. We just sold our house

My husband and I have done a lot of travel and hopefully, there’s a lot more to come.  He’s the one that decides where we want to go and I quite happily follow along.

He has a bit of a bucket list, there are places that he wants to see and things that he wants to experience and I’m a firm believer in pushing boundaries where we can.

As the meme goes – comfort zones are where dreams die.

So, we went to Vanuatu, (first tick wanting to go to a south pacific island) we snorkeled (second tick, snorkeling in the south pacific!) we walked to the top of a live volcano and felt that rumble and smelt the sulfur and saw the sparks (third tick!).

There is something amazing that happens when you do something that you’ve always wanted to do.  There’s a sense of achievement, not only that it pushes you out of you comfort zone, but also it makes you experience different things, meet different people see a different way of life.

We did a drive around the island and we were astonished at the poverty.  I think so many of us in the western world really have no idea how lucky the majority of us are.  In Vanuatu the government only pays for primary school education, high school has to be paid for by the parents. 

There are schools on the smaller islands that don’t even have pencils and paper to write on.

I said to my husband that it should be compulsory for kids in Australia to go and see how bloody lucky they are with what they have.

It was certainly a reminder to me!

Then while we were away our house was put on the market and the week we got back it went to auction. 

It sold. (squee!)

The funny thing is I said to Chris (that’s my husband) I don’t actually remember when we decided to sell the house and move to Queensland.

We didn’t have this big definitive deep and meaningful discussion.  It just kind of evolved ……

I know for so many of you, and I know this because I’m asked this question a lot in readings ….. ‘should we sell our house / move etc’.

There’s a lot of angst for a lot of people in making these big decisions.  I get that. 

People are scared of making a mistake or scared of change.

Chris and I seem to thrive on it.  I know that I’ve learnt to be (and believe me, I haven’t always been like this) to just make the decision and then go with it.

You can make it work or let it fail. 

The key to change, is to stop thinking about the way that it should be. 

What you need to do is make your decisions and then just see how it pans out.

Our house didn’t sell at auction.  The real estate agent came in and he was disappointed and we were like, well, that’s the way it is, not going to stress about it.

Five minutes later, someone bought it.

You can embrace change, whether it’s planned or not, or you can fight it.

Take it from someone who’s been there and done that, it’s much more pleasant to embrace it and just see where it goes.

If you have a tarot card reading and get The Tower, that’s change.  Change that you can’t do anything about.  You can fight it, or you can just go for the ride and see what amazing things happen.

How did I learn this way of thinking? 

Well, life experience but also doing readings for people, plus the messages that would always come from spirit.  Learning to use tarot cards and not having a fear of them (read my story in Christian to Clairvoyant).

To realise that change is necessary for life, because if you stay the same, you don’t grow.  The tarot cards taught me that. 


Essentially the tarot cards are our life story, all the ups and downs and growth and experiences that we need to go through to grow, to become more spiritual etc.  They’re not just about finding out when you’re going to move house!

Did you know that I’m going to be offering for the first time an on-line tarot course?  Even if you’re just learning to help yourself navigate through this thing called life, they’re an amazing tool to learn. 

It’s not going to be found on my website, it’s just going to be released once a year. 

Stay posted for it’s release and get in quick! 
