In short, I believe that the answer is yes.  However, the hard thing with this is learning to actually do it!

Our intuition, or gut feeling if you want to call it that, isn’t caught up in what society expects.  It’s like a deep part of your soul talking to you, trying to make its voice heard.

So, instead of intuition or gut feeling, let’s just say it’s your soul … ok?

That doesn’t mean that whenever you have a soul feeling that you just drop everything and follow it.

What you need to do is first listen to it.  What is that soul of yours trying to tell you?

Do you wake up every morning feeling sick that you need to go to work because you just don’t want to deal with the bully?

Maybe your caught up in trying to be successful, famous, etc ,at the cost of your happiness and your soul is telling you it’s had enough.

Your soul instinct can also come to you in your dreams, so pay attention to those and have a dream journal handy, especially when you’re going through times of stress or you need to make an important decision.

You see, your soul knows what you need because it knows you best.  It doesn’t care what society expects of you or family and friends who think you should take a specific path in life.

It knows.  It knows why you are here on this earth and the things that you need to experience.

It knows what will make you happy and it may just not be what you expect!

When you start to over analyse something, then you start making yourself confused.

And let’s not forget that major playing in our lives …. Fear!

Fear will stop us listening to what our soul is telling us to do.

Now, don’t get me wrong, our souls are here to experience life and that sometimes means having to go through the not so pleasant things, because it’s an experience we need to have.

So, when you listen to your soul, and then things don’t work out the way you thought they would, that doesn’t mean it was wrong.

Your soul knows that you needed to experience it.  Remember that just because things don’t work out as we wanted, doesn’t mean that it was wrong.

It’s just that it was meant to be.

Your soul knows when you should quit that job or leave your partner.

It knows when to take a scary leap and accept a job your terrified you’ll stuff up, or you meet someone and just KNOW that they’re your soul partner.

When you start overthinking things, that’s when you confuse yourself.

When you need to make a decision, grab a coin.  Decide heads is yes and tails is no, or stay / go, whatever the answer needs to be.

Flip the coin.

The moment that coin leaves your hand and is in the air, your soul will tell you which way you want it to land, go with that.

It doesn’t matter how it lands.

It’s always important to trust your soul, because it knows what you need.

Love and light
