What are you doing to make your world better?

And when I say ‘your world better’, I mean your physical world.

I was walking down a little laneway to Darby Street the other day and out of the corner of my eye I saw a bottle on a bench there.  In all honesty, I didn’t give it much of a thought and kept walking.

After purchasing my all important Butter Chicken and pappadams takeaway for dinner …… I was walking back and turned into the laneway.

There were 4 teenage girls there and one of them had grabbed the plastic bottle, emptied it and was putting it in a recycle bin.

She was making her world better.

I have to say my immediate reaction was shame that I hadn’t done that!

Then I started to listen to what they were talking about as they were just behind me.  It was about recycling, how what we recycle isn’t really recycled and they were discussing in great depth about it.

I loved it.

How awesome was it that these lovely girls were talking about how to make their world better.Which, of course, got me to thinking – what am I doing?

I know I’ve shared with you before some of the things I’ve done.  Such as, using Who Gives A Crap toilet paper and tissues. They post to you and no plastic is used.

Do you get frustrated, like me when you’re trying to make your world better and you get stuck not being able to do it?

I had to buy new sheets for the bed the other week, the sheets were wrapped in a thick non-recyclable plastic with plastic inside and excess cardboard etc.

Why can’t they just be wrapped in brown paper with a picture on the front?

I don’t care if my sheets aren’t perfectly folded when I buy them, I would prefer them without the excess plastic!

Or when you’re buying fruit and vegetables and the only ones available are wrapped in plastic ….

So, what do I do to try and make my world better? I don’t use the plastic bags that are provided for fruit and veg, I just buy everything loose.

If people have left their dog poop bags on the ground and not picked up – I’ll pick them up and put in the bin.

I use my own shopping bags.

I take my own bag when buying bits and bobs so they aren’t put into plastic bags.

Seriously, why would I need one packet of tablets in a plastic bag when it can fit in my handbag?

I must say that I haven’t gone around picking up rubbish and maybe that’s something that I should start doing.

Those teenage girls showed me something else I could do.

I also try and use local businesses or stall holders at markets.

When you’re buying things like soaps, they don’t have all the packaging when they are homemade!

While you can’t save the world, you can make your own world better.

Don’t think that what you do, doesn’t make a difference. It does.

If everyone focused on making their world better, then the world as a whole would be better.

I’d love to hear what you do, to make your world better.

Katrina x